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We are interested in buying your traffic and ready to buy on a CPM basis (the range is about $2- $8, integration is easy and simple, just like Google - payment terms are Net 30 days. If you agree we can move forward so you can test our performance. Working with us will uplift your revenue by more than 30%.Justin shttps://loveandkinship.compat@aneesho.comDesign Work Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, brochures, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee. We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you.James Knapp https://loveandkinship.comknappihead@yahoo.comNo!I didn't subscribe! This is intrusive!Michelle https://loveandkinship.comMichellenadzan@aol.comUnsubscribeRemove my email from ALL accounts. I don't want to receive any emails from you and your other accounts. Tomhttps://loveandkinship.comGreglibeqs@yahoo.comStop Emailing Stop EmailingBrenda Olsonhttps://loveandkinship.comolsonbj9@yahoo.comunsubscribe meunsubscribe mePolly Pricehttps://loveandkinship.comguess_rousing0k@icloud.comToo many emails Thanks Ron Vhttps://loveandkinship.comrvartavedian@yahoo.comStop sending me unsolicited emailsI don't want to receive any unsolicited emails from any of your places.Joseph Weilerhttps://loveandkinship.comweiler.joseph@yahoo.comunsubscribeunsubscribeMichellehttps://loveandkinship.comharttoo43@yahoo.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe me pleaseElisha https://loveandkinship.commymooky@aol.comMessageFor months I have unsubscribed from all your unwanted emails. Somehow I still keep getting them. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION TO REMOVE MY EMAIL FROM ANY AND ALL LIST YOUR COMPANY IS AFFILIATED WITH. Billhttps://loveandkinship.comdwmioore69@yahoo.comUNSUBSCRIBEPlease would you be kind enough to unsubscribe me from everything, I am old retired and do not buy or have interest in any of this. Thank you BillDBhttps://loveandkinship.comdcbnurse1@yahoo.comUnsubscribe This is the worst site for unsubscribing!!Debhttps://loveandkinship.comdbscrtch@yahoo.comAllStop. Cease. Desist. Cut it out. Not interested Debhttps://loveandkinship.comdbscrtch@yahoo.comAllStop. Cease. Desist. Cut it out. Not interested Beth Mahoneyhttps://loveandkinship.combridgetmc12@yahoo.comUnsubscribe mePlease do not send me any more emails from your company any of its subsidiaries or associates Leah Blessedhttps://loveandkinship.comleah7blessed@yahoo.comUnsubscribe I never signed up, requested or wanted ANY of these emails-- PLEASE STOP!Mimihttps://loveandkinship.comloisharkins2@aol.comUnsubscribe Unsubscribe meSheila Hayeshttps://loveandkinship.comsmvhayes@yahoo.comunsubscribePlease take me off the mailing list, I wish to unsubscirbe. I did not ask for this email.Dorishttps://loveandkinship.comDSIMS7754@YAHOO.COMYES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!YES, UNSUBSCRIBE ME!Laine https://loveandkinship.comstevielaine@yahoo.comMailYou can help by leaving people alone staying out of their email! I didn’t sign up for this junk. All I wanted to do was go have lunch with my granddaughter, and by signing up to do that I am now receiving all this crap leave me alone. Mikehttps://loveandkinship.commikehunt69@gmail.com1Fuck youDebbie Junellhttps://loveandkinship.comdebra.junell@yahoo.comDropping my subscriptionI didn't sign up for it in the the first place.. I don't have time to read it.Greg Spurgeonhttps://loveandkinship.comgs873@yahoo.com??Price to high for me and please make sure my card is no changed I’m canceling my 7 day trial Barbara Lawlesshttps://loveandkinship.comlawlessb@ymail.comCease all emailsPlease cease ALL emails immediately! Thank you.Carol Tripletthttps://loveandkinship.comcat1163@aol.comUnsubscribeI don’t wish to subscribeCarolyn Petershttps://loveandkinship.comlucypeters44@yahoo.comDon’t likeREMOVE ME! Samikshahttps://loveandkinship.comsamiksha@ad.plusOpportunity to increase ads revenue for your siteHi, Hope this message finds you well. Are you looking for a reliable and high-paying ad network partner for loveandkinship.com? Look no further than Ad.Plus! As one of the fastest-growing ad networks in the world, we offer some of the highest CPMs and have thousands of direct advertisers. We are a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) - https://www.google.com/ads/publisher/partners/find-a-partner/#!?modal_active=modal-adPlus. With Ad.Plus, you'll have access to a variety of premium ad formats, including OutStream video format, Interstitial, Sticky Ads, and Display formats, all backed by AI technology for web and app. We offer all IAB standard ad sizes, such as 728x90, 300x250, and more. Our demand comes from direct and premium campaigns, and we're proud to be a Google MCM partner and have partnered with many top exchanges such as Index, Pubmatic, Magnite, etc. to bring the highest yield for our publishers. What's more, our average eCPM for video units is $8, and our average eCPM for display units is $2, with a 100% fill rate. Plus, we pay on Net 30 terms, and you'll get your own reporting dashboard to track performance and revenue. When it comes to earning your website's ad revenue, don't setlle for less. Join Ad.Plus today to start earning what's rightfully yours! Let me know what you think, and I’ll get you the next steps. Thank you, valerie Lloydhttps://loveandkinship.compaul-val@comcast.netE Mail receivedplease unsubscribe meLesliehttps://loveandkinship.comnjuly11@comcast.netKkKkRory evgen https://loveandkinship.comR.evgen@comcast.netSite is all pop up Useless to me all pop up adsLinda phttps://loveandkinship.comlindapeachey@comcast.netFuckFuck offCarol Stantonhttps://loveandkinship.comnatureswisdomwellness@comcast.netEmailI received an unsolicited email from you. It talked about a subject that I was interested in. When I clicked on it, the subject that it said the article was about was not there. There were 10 other articles, but not the one that the email mentioned. So that’s why I’m unsubscribing it felt like a bait and switch. Dianehttps://loveandkinship.comdcwells35@comcast.netThis website Not interested in this subject at all!Dianehttps://loveandkinship.comdcwells35@comcast.netThis website Not interested in this subject at all times Dianehttps://loveandkinship.comdcwells35@comcast.netThis website Not interested in this subject at all!Dianehttps://loveandkinship.comdcwells35@comcast.netThis website I am not interested in this subject at all!Yvette Klinehttps://loveandkinship.comykline@comcast.netUNSUBSCRIBE FROM ALLI don't want to receive any of this.Tracy Snyderhttps://loveandkinship.comoaklandcolorservice@comcast.netUnsubscribe meYou should not make unsubscribing so difficult. Susanhttps://loveandkinship.comSusabannon4256@comcast.netCancelNever subscribed Erichttps://loveandkinship.comeslamontagne@comcast.netunsubscribeI have now unsubscribed to your emails about 5 times over the course of a few months and I'm still receiving them. At this point is harassment!!!! Please unsubscribe me from any and all email groups.Eva Alfano https://loveandkinship.comeva.alfano@verizon.netRemove from the Email List I have asked before for my email to be removed from your list and all your Publications more than 2 weeks ago. I am still getting emails. Please remove this email address from all Publications and all email lists.Ann Munroehttps://loveandkinship.comjeerwin@comcast.netUnsubscribe me pleaseI never requested these emails and get them everyday. .https://loveandkinship.comlsturmer@comcast.net..Jeff https://loveandkinship.comjeff@clilandscaping.comUnsubscribing Please remove me from your mailing lists Nancy Howardhttps://loveandkinship.comnancydhoward@comcast.comUnsubscribe Please unsubscribe me ThanksMariahttps://loveandkinship.commcop22876@aol.comNot interested I get too much junk mailcarolhttps://loveandkinship.commeyercarol38@yahoo.comdifficult to continue on the main articlethe format is confusing....never able to continue on the main articleRenee Dudekhttps://loveandkinship.comdudewithak@comcast.netUnsubscribe Unsubscribe to emails Kathleen https://loveandkinship.comKathleen65@comcast.netNewsletterI never signed up for this crap. Remove my name immediately Kenthttps://loveandkinship.comkentsanchez@comcast.netEmailPlease stop sending me emails.Karen https://loveandkinship.commy3kidstlc@comcast.netUnsubscribe me I unsubscribed a long long time ago, and I still keep getting emails. I clicked on the unsubscribe button, it says if you still want to unsubscribe enter your email address and click unsubscribe. My email address was already there, there's no second unsubscribe button to click on. So if you can make sure this email address gets unsubscribed. Thanks!Donnahttps://loveandkinship.combusydonna47@yahoo.comRemove my name.from your listI never signed.up for your services therefore remove my name.Tammy https://loveandkinship.comTAMMY.HAMEL@COMCAST.NETUnsubscribePlease make sure my email address is removed from ALL your shit emails. Some asshoke must have subscribed me as a joke.Kenneth Hadlerhttps://loveandkinship.comkenhadler@comcast.netsubscriptionYour tabs to go to the meat of the message just lead to another listing of articles/messages instead going to the individual items as previously indicated.GaiLhttps://loveandkinship.combable7061@comcast.netTrashI DO NOT wish to receive this junk email. I have unsubscribed dozens of time. It has become harassment!! STOP please!!Bernadinehttps://loveandkinship.combern26@comcast.netMisleading content advertised So frustrating to go to your featured article, such as “10 things you should never say to anyone,” and find it is not found anywhere! This has happened before, I’m therefore done. Don’t try to drag me to material that does not interest me!!! Phyllis russohttps://loveandkinship.comrussok@comcast.netUnsubscribe from ALlPlease unsubscribe me. I could not find the Yes Unsubscribe me link. RICHARD MAUSBACHhttps://loveandkinship.comrmausbach2@comcast.netUnsubscribeTake me off of all the stupid e-mail lists you are part of... i have unsubscribed multiple times and am getting pissed off about your constant, worthless trash that you send. STOP SENDING ME E-MAILS.Robinhttps://loveandkinship.comrobintherealtor@comcast.netplease unsubscribe me I get too many emails, please unsubscribe me. thanksMia Joneshttps://loveandkinship.comcmcranage@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe me!Barbara Rainardhttps://loveandkinship.combjchemist@comcast.netUnsubscribe meUnsubscribe meGeorge Albaughhttps://loveandkinship.comalbaughg@comcast.comUnsubscibe me.Unsubscribe me.Carol https://loveandkinship.combaronette@comcast.netUnwanted AdsNot sure where you got my email from,but why would you send all this crap my way? If you sign up for info on 1, you should not get 20Carol https://loveandkinship.combaronette@comcast.netUnwanted AdsNot sure where you got my email from,but why would you send all this crap my way? If you sign up for info on 1, you should not get 20Carol https://loveandkinship.combaronette@comcast.netUnwanted AdsNot sure where you got my email from,but why would you send all this crap my way? If you sign up for info on 1, you should not get 20Annhttps://loveandkinship.combarains@COMCAST.NETold and widowwhy did I even get on this list ?Annhttps://loveandkinship.combarains@COMCAST.NETold and widowwhy did I even get on this list ?Debrahttps://loveandkinship.comdjoynureck@comcast.netUnsubscribeUnsubscribe