
10 Financial Mistakes Newlyweds Should Avoid At All Costs

Marriage means merging your life completely with someone else’s, including your finances. Believe or not, the financial merger can turn…

4 years ago

14 Surprising Factors That Increase Your Likelihood of Divorce

The reasons people get a divorce are rather clear: different life goals, different financial goals, never-ending arguments, or too many…

4 years ago

20 Things Experts Want You to Consider Before You Get Remarried

If you’re thinking of giving yourself a second (or even third) shot at love, good for you. Many divorced people…

4 years ago

25 Reasons Divorcing In Your 40s Isn’t The End of The World

When you decide to get married, you do it truly believing that you and your partner will be together for…

4 years ago

12 Common Reasons Why People Get a Divorce

I think we've established already that break-ups are very hard, but what about divorce? Well, divorce can be devastating, especially…

4 years ago

8 Common Reasons Why Couples Fight

Fighting is normal. Friends argue, relatives argue and partners argue too. In every human relationship, there are moments of shared…

4 years ago

26 Seemingly Harmless Things That Drive Your Husband Mad

Ask anyone in a happy, long-lasting marriage what’s the secret to their long-lasting relationship and they’ll all tell you one…

4 years ago

13 Ways Marriage Counselors Can Tell a Relationship Won’t Last

Although each couple is unique, these are some little signs that all too often spell trouble for a relationship. You…

4 years ago

10 Signs You Can Totally Trust Your Partner

While an important part of trust is simply trusting your partner’s words, these signs make it easier to know you’re…

5 years ago

5 Divorcées Share What Made Them Realize That Their Marriage Was Over

Sometimes it’s easy to tell whether or not a marriage can make it long-term, but most of the time we…

5 years ago