Categories: Life

6 Secrets Women Only Keep for Themselves

Photo by Asier Romero from

…How many secrets do you have?

I can’t tell for sure if that’s true or not, but the majority of people say that they’re curious to know what women really think about. There’s something magical about them and everyone wants to know more. There are a lot of things that go on inside their heads, but they only share a tiny bit of them.

On the contrary, there are other people who say that women are incredibly generous and that the same rules apply to their thoughts as well. However, things are actually different. They are indeed generous when it comes to helping people, but it’s common knowledge that females are excellent secret keepers.

Whether they have things they only share with their girlfriends or not, one thing is for sure: men don’t know everything about them. But today’s topic is a bit different. We wanted to get to know them better and find out more about the things they only keep to themselves, even from their loving family members and partners.

Curious to know more? Click on the next page to discover all the info!

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from

1. Their weight

It’s a no-brainer that you should avoid asking a woman about her weight as she might consider it disrespectful. Not to mention, if they already have a problem with their physical appearance, this can trigger other problems too.

For instance, if a woman is more on the thinner side and people ask her about her weight, they might think that she doesn’t eat at all, especially because they assume she wants to keep her figure. On the other hand, if a female is a bit curvier, people might assume that she doesn’t work out at all.

However, it’s important to mention that one’s weight is no one’s business and if someone is healthy and takes care of their body, this is all that matters. Long story short, women often avoid discussing their weight with others, which, honestly, is something we all should do.

2. Their salary

If there’s one thing that triggers people negatively, it’s money. Others say it’s best to keep your salary private so that no one can judge you based on your income.

Women prefer to stay away from mentioning how much money they make simply because they don’t want to make other people feel insecure about their own salaries.

If they talk to one of their friends, for instance, who makes less money than they do, it might trigger those people into thinking they aren’t worth enough and that they need to work a lot harder.

Basically, money makes you feel safe and independent, and it also makes you feel like the master of your own universe, free to do as you like with your time. For this reason, they simply can’t afford anyone else to know their personal info.

3. Their age

…Think about the movies you typically see on TV and answer this simple question: how many times have you seen a woman lying about her age?

That’s right. The majority of women don’t get along with the idea that they’re not getting any younger, which makes them feel a bit scared and even insecure at times. This is exactly why they prefer to think that age is only a number and there’s nothing that can stop them from doing all the things they want.

If they tell you how old they are, you have access to make assumptions about their accomplishments, setbacks, and private life. This is why they keep their age a secret at all costs. Smart, right?

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from

4. Their crushes

A woman who has a crush on a colleague at work won’t tell anyone about it. The reason is ego problems. They want to keep things private and have enough time to decide whether they want to do something about this crush or if they’ll simply just let it go.

Some of their crushes, like those in Hollywood, Bollywood, or even cartoon characters they liked when they were young, might have been so silly as to be the source of their humiliation. Why give people a reason to judge them based on someone they find attractive? So yeah, some things are meant to be kept secret.

5. How much they spend on makeup

Again, this is one of the biggest secrets that women would rather keep hidden, mainly from men. The answer to the question “How does she look without makeup?” hinges on the amount of money they spent on cosmetics, just as their age determines the details of their private life.

No female wants to be perceived based on their appearance, and if the costs are rather big, it might lead others to believe that they aren’t very attractive and so they spend a lot on their appearance.

6. Their goals and plans for future

It’s believed that everyone should keep their goals private. There are many reasons why people bring each other down, and no one wants to hear someone complain and tell them how much they think they won’t succeed.

Women want to avoid getting involved in something like this, so when it comes to their own plans and goals for the future, they prefer to stay quiet and work on them in private. It makes them more motivated and it gives them a purpose.

…What do you think about these 6 things women only keep for themselves? Share your thoughts with us in the comments! And if you think that there are more than what we’ve mentioned on this list, feel free to tell us down below! 

…Do you want to know more about women? Then you should check out this article: 7 Secrets Women ONLY Share When Men Are Not Around!


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