Categories: LifeRelationships

7 Activities For Those Who Don’t Like Valentine’s Day

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Let’s be honest here! Valentine’s Day can be extremely annoying, even if you are in a strong and happy relationship. Not every couple is over the moon with this holiday or with the activities that are implied, such as buying each other gifts or covering one another in chocolates and other sweets, and there is nothing wrong with that.

But I am sure that there are a lot of couples out there that wish to have a more relaxing type of day, without spending a lot of money on presents and fancy dinners. If you have no idea what you and your partner can do on a day like this, we are here to help you out, so keep reading!

Photo by Jacob Lund from

1. Go to a workout class together

Couples who sweat together, stay together! While other people are over-indulging in extra-sweet treats and crazy expensive dinners, you can both feel healthy and accomplished by breaking a sweat together. It doesn’t have to be in the gym, you can even do it at home, by following a video on YouTube.

Tip: If you are feeling a little extra, you can search for a couple’s workout. This way, you will need each other in order to complete the exercises. If you are not in the mood for something energetic, yoga works just fine.

2. Sleep, sleep, sleep

Take advantage of this holiday and of the time you get to spend together and just relax! A cozy nap might be the perfect thing to do, especially if you need some time off. Get comfortable with your favorite person and catch up on the Zzzs you have lost due to work or life in general.

3. Create your signature cocktail

After you have worked out and slept, it is time to kick things off with a little fun drink! Get all the booze, mixers, and juices that you have at home, and start mixing and matching! If you don’t have any inspiration, you can follow along to an actual recipe, but where is the fun and joy in that?

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it only needs to taste good and make you feel a little frisky!

4. Watch all the movies you want

I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but all these activities go hand in hand! Get your cocktail ready and curl up on the couch because it’s movie time! If you don’t want any romance on this day, you can choose from plenty of action or drama productions!

If you really want to take anti-Valentine’s Day to the next level, go ahead and put on a horror movie and spend a few hours just being a couch potato. If you are not a movie person, a sitcom is a way to go. If you have no idea, we recommend ”F.R.I.E.N.D.S”, because it will make you laugh all day long!

Photo by Jacob Lund from

5. Go somewhere and just… get lost

We tend to get so caught up in our daily routines and chores, that sometimes it feels like we are living in a loop. Get your partner ready and go on an adventure! You can take a drive or you can walk somewhere you have never been to. Forget about Google Maps for a few hours and just go wherever you want.

Turn left instead of right, take an exit you didn’t know about, go for coffee in the other part of the town or go have dinner somewhere you have never been to!

6. Play together

Usually, you are a team, but there is nothing wrong with playing opposite every once in a while. A little competition never hurt anybody! You can invite your friends over and have a board-game night, or you can even invent your own game by creating some trivia questions about each other.

Pick a prize for the winner and let the competition begin!

7. Make cards to each other, but… with a twist

Now that we are almost at the end of the night, we will share with you an activity that will make both of you go to bed with a smile on your face! We all know that this holiday is all about love, so love letters are a must!

However, since you and your partner decided that you want more of a low-key Valentine’s Day, you can create your own love cards, but make them funny! Tell a joke, be sarcastic, draw a caricature of your loved one, or write down an inside joke. This way it is going to be more personal and you will cherish these moments more!


What do you think about Valentine’s Day? Do you like this holiday or not? We are curious to know your thoughts so make sure to let us know by leaving a comment in the section down below!

PS: Happy anti-Valentine’s Day!


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