Categories: LifeRelationships

5 Ways You Can Tell Someone Is Secretly Jealous Of You

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Some people say that jealousy is the thief of joy, a monster who doesn’t let you live the life you want. It can make you feel angry, unhappy, unmotivated and tired. Jealousy is not a feeling that only occurs when people are involved in romantic relationships, but in friendships as well.

You may not feel jealous, but it is possible that people around you are and you can’t feel it, because they are really good at keeping it “undercover”. Today we will talk about how to see if someone is secretly jealous of you, so you will now how to approach them in the future.

Here are a few signs you need to pay attention to:

Photo by szmuli from

1. Your mistakes make them feel good

You may not see it at first, but if you pay attention, everything will start to make sense. These people won’t say it out loud, but when you mess up something, they will have a reaction that will suggest jealousy. It can even be a small, almost unnoticeable smile, an “I told you so”, or “I wouldn’t have done that, I would’ve…”.

With you having something you’re not that proud of, they will feel better about themselves. Maybe they will try to cheer you on, but it will be just a cover up.

2. They make fun of you, but only “as a joke”

This is particularly happening when there is a group involved. They tend to make comments that they won’t usually make about you. Or, and this is a real issue – they say something that they know it is an insecurity of yours: it can be your height, job, home, physical appearance, even your belongings, it doesn’t matter, actually.

If you respond to these comments, you will be perceived as defensive. On the other hand, if you laugh, they will have continue with these type of jokes.

Either way, there is no best answer or reaction you can have.

3. They are not interested when you’re succeeding

I know it is hard to accept, but these are real facts you need to know. Also, think about it this way: if you see these signs, it’s clear that you don’t need these type of people in our life. So it’s better to stay calm and think about how better you will feel once this negativity is out of your life.

Pay attention to people’s reaction when you tell them that you did something you’re really proud of. If they are truly happy for you, you’ll see it and also feel it.

If they have a reaction that makes you feel a little insecure, then you know they are secretly jealous of you. They may say they are happy for you, but if it doesn’t show in the tone of voice or in the facial expressions they make, I’m sorry to tell you, but it is not okay.

Photo by Tatiana Chekryzhova from

4. They tear you down

There is nothing wrong when a friend of yours tells you that you shouldn’t do something, because it’s either not good or it’s to hard – because let’s be honest, we need truth in our lives, not some sugar-coated lies. But when you give solid arguments of why you think it’s a great idea and they say something like “If this is what you want” or “Do as you wish, but…”, it is not a good sign.

They make you feel like you aren’t worthy enough or like you won’t make it. You don’t need negativity and people that are not happy for you.

5. Everything they have is better than yours

It doesn’t matter what family you came from, how nice are the people that are surrounding you, how great you managed to do something, you still can’t compete with them. Everything you have, they have better.

I don’t say that comparison is good, but neither is tearing each other’s close people down. If you can’t seem to make these persons understand that their attitude doesn’t serve you any good, then they are not your real friends.

Also, you need to keep in mind that these negative people can come from your family as well. It doesn’t matter where it’s coming from, because it’s still negativity and it doesn’t serve you any good.


Being close to people, supporting them and feeling happy for them make you feel good. When somebody succeeds in something, you should feel proud, not jealous. It should make you feel motivated and inspired. Am I right?

If you have seen these signs in your relationships, then you should really start to analyze them. Just like I said before, you don’t need such negativity in your life. You should have people that are uplifting you, not beating you down every time they have a chance.

If you decide to cut someone out of your life because they don’t serve you any good, that’s the best thing to do! Being a good friend should be common sense, not ”special treatment”!

As long as you don’t hurt anybody and you’re happy, you’re on the right path!


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