Categories: LifeRelationships

5 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Dating

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From an outsider’s point of view, it can appear to be extremely simple to identify toxic relationships. When you’re in a toxic relationship, you might not be able to see this at first.

Yes, there are some red flags that must be addressed. If you’ve been cheated on, or if your significant other is verbally or physically abusive, you may want to end the relationship.

However, red flags are frequently subtle and easily overlooked, and you may even find yourself neglecting the truly serious ones because you don’t want to accept the person you are dating isn’t perfect for you, or that the relationship isn’t beneficial for either of you.

It’s critical to be able to see red flags from the beginning of any relationship so that you can deal with them effectively and determine whether or not they are the right people for you.

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1. As a ‘couple,’ they want you to move too quickly

According to Amber Kelleher-Andrews, a dating and relationship expert, it is completely normal to be enthusiastic and excited to see someone who seems that is going to tick off all of your wants and needs.

On the other hand, if the person you are dating seems to want to move things a lot quicker and you are not ready for that, it can be considered as a red flag. You need to know each other quite well before you decide to start something serious.

2. You communicate only on social media or via text

Although an occasional text saying they miss you is sweet, if the person you’ve recently started dating primarily communicates with you via digital means, it could be an indication that something is wrong.

“To actually get to know someone, some classic phone talk is helpful,” as Kelleher-Andrews says. If you only communicate via text, you’re not developing a deep connection. This thing could be an indicator that the other person isn’t interested in learning more about you, or it can even give you the feeling that you are not the only one that they are dating.

3. They speak badly about their ex

Even though it may seem weird to bring up a former relationship in the early stages of dating, it actually happens more frequently than you might imagine.

As expert Amber Kelleher-Andrews says, you don’t want to get involved with someone who doesn’t speak well about their former partners, because this is the exact way they might be talking about you if the thing between you doesn’t work out.

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4. They have just broken up with their partners

Another red flag is when the person you are dating is still not over their ex. As the expert says, this thing can lead to serious difficulties if they are not taking their time to process a major breakup and go straight into dating again.

It’s better to take your time and reconnect with yourself after you part ways from your former partner. She recommends taking a minimum of six months off from dating after a major relationship ends to give yourself time and space to reflect and move on before entering another relationship.

5. They drink a lot on your first date

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there: you’re excited about meeting someone new, so you have a glass of wine before dinner. Excessive drinking, especially on the first date, is rarely a positive indicator, in conformity with Kelleher-Andrews.

There is nothing wrong with drinking a glass of something every now and then, but if they are already drinking a lot before they even meet you properly, it’s better to say pass.


What do you think about these red flags which you should watch out for? Have you ever experienced any of these? We are curious to know what you think, so make sure to let us know by leaving a comment in the section down below!

If you enjoyed reading this article, we have plenty more just like it! Make sure to check this one out as well: 8 Things You MUST Do To Avoid Divorce!


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