Categories: Relationships

You Won’t Believe What Women Think During Intimacy!

Photo by OPOLJA from

…Have you ever wondered what’s going on in a woman’s head during those special and intimate moments?

Spending time in the bedroom with your partner is one of the easiest things you can do to feel connected to your significant other. And besides all of these good feelings that are related to the person you share the whole experience with, performing this type of physical activity is also great for your mental and physical health as well.

It can help you sleep better, lower blood pressure, improve heart health and self-esteem, decrease depression and anxiety, and so many other benefits. However, there are a lot of things that usually run around in people’s heads during these times. If men are stressed about how long their performance is going to last, women think of how long it’s going to take them to reach the finale.

But that is not the only question that goes inside a woman’s head. So if you’re just as curious as we are to know more about this topic, click on the next page, because you won’t believe what women think during intimacy!

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