…Have you ever wondered what’s going on in a woman’s head during those special and intimate moments?
Spending time in the bedroom with your partner is one of the easiest things you can do to feel connected to your significant other. And besides all of these good feelings that are related to the person you share the whole experience with, performing this type of physical activity is also great for your mental and physical health as well.
It can help you sleep better, lower blood pressure, improve heart health and self-esteem, decrease depression and anxiety, and so many other benefits. However, there are a lot of things that usually run around in people’s heads during these times. If men are stressed about how long their performance is going to last, women think of how long it’s going to take them to reach the finale.
But that is not the only question that goes inside a woman’s head. So if you’re just as curious as we are to know more about this topic, click on the next page, because you won’t believe what women think during intimacy!

1. Their own body flaws
We all know that women think a lot about their bodies, even though they are usually confident and comfortable in their own skin. They might love their bodies, but there are still times when they get completely into their heads and start picking all the things they consider flaws.
“Are they looking at my stomach if I stay like this?”, or “Are my thighs looking too squishy if I bend my leg?”, these are just a few examples of what women think about during intimate moments.
The truth is that men don’t even notice all of those things that women believe about their bodies. So ladies, hear me out, get in the mood, and leave those annoying body-conscious thoughts out of the bedroom!
2. How long it’s going to last
This happens when females are not really in the mood to engage in any physical activity, but they still do it, thinking that they might change their minds and actually enjoy it while it happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, so they spend the whole time wishing for the whole thing to be over, so they can move on with their usual activities.
…Did you know about this?
3. Your performance
Whether they say it or not, women really think about the way you perform while it happens, specifically about what feels good and what doesn’t. Furthermore, females fantasize about things they wish their partners would do but are too afraid or embarrassed to say out loud.
…What’s stopping you, ladies? All men want to know what you’re thinking about!

4. Other people
Even though this isn’t something easy to read, we have to say it: sometimes women think about other people in different contexts and behaviors that make them more engaged in intimate activity. It’s true, those thoughts get them ready for the action!
And before you say something, they don’t do it because they don’t care about their partners or because they’re bored. It’s simply a way to calm some parts of their brain and be able to enjoy all the sensations they feel.
…At the end of the day, men think about the same thing, right? Tell us in the comments down below!
And while we’re on the subject, as much as we support honesty and sincere communication, we believe that it might be better for couples to talk about their personal desires (aka someone else) outside of the bedroom, because it will only bring up jealousy, competition, and low self-esteem in your significant other.
5. How long she’s going to take to get there
Many women worry about the fact that it’s going to take longer to reach their final destination compared to their male partners. As you surely know by now, it takes longer for females to get in the mood, so it’s also harder for them to reach the end at the same time as men do.
This is why many relationship experts recommend couples to not rush things and take their time with each step so that both of them can have a good time and enjoy the activity.
6. You
Yes, it’s true. They think about you and they’re curious to know if you enjoy it as much as they do. They start wondering if they look good in a certain seat, or if they should do something or not, because they don’t want to disturb you, and they might even think of what to do to make YOU feel as good as they do.
See? Whatever they might have in their minds, they still think about what they want from their partners and what they can give them in return.
…What are your thoughts regarding this subject? We are curious to know, so make sure to leave a comment in the section down below!
…If you enjoyed reading this article and you want to check out something else from us, here’s our best recommendation: Become Successful With These 6 Body Language Gestures!