Categories: Life

10 Tips to Make Dating With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Easier


Dating can be hard enough as it is, especially when your stomach is problematic. Inflammatory bowel disease can take dating to another level, and the struggle is real. More than 1 million people in the United States are dealing with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, so you can imagine how intimidating dating can be for them.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can really affect one’s dating life because you don’t know when you might need to use the bathroom. Besides being very discouraging and inconvenient, IBD can also be very painful. That’s why many IBD patients tend to self-isolate themselves, because they prefer to play it safe, thinking that no one would like to deal with them.

However, IBD shouldn’t stop you from living your life and meeting new people. You deserve that as much as anyone does. Plus, you can learn how to make your dating life and your health condition function together.

Read on to find the 10 tips that will make dating with inflammatory bowel disease so much easier!

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