5 Tricks to Work From Home and Stop Kids From Interrupting You


2. Why do children interrupt adults?

If someone interrupts you at the office, it generally has something to do with work. On the other hand, when children interrupt you at home, it has something to do with …anything relevant to them, really. Something you have to deal with right that very second, not in 5 or ten minutes. That’s just one part of the problem.

The other one is that kids are not particularly good at waiting to receive gratification. They want it and they want it now, on their own terms! No matter how inconsiderate they might seem, their behavior is quite normal for their age. That’s because children’s certain parts of the brain are not developed enough to be able to control their ability to wait or to think about others, among other things. Children are looking for attention, stability, reassurance, and they can only get them from their parents…from you.


3. How to cope when children interrupt your work

Understanding how and why your children interrupt your work is half of the equation. The other half is making them do what you want them to do when you need them to do it, to prevent or minimize the adverse effects their interruptions might have on your work performance.

This might seem like the most difficult, sometimes impossible part, but it can be done. Here’s how.

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