5 Subtle Signs Your Partner Has a Crush on Someone Else

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

It doesn’t matter how serious a relationship is and how committed you and your partner are to one another. The truth is that people change and keep evolving, and their needs and desires do the same. And that’s completely normal. Some experts even say it’s not a big deal if one or all the people in a relationship start being attracted to someone else.

However, there’s an actual difference between a silly crush and cheating (you are the ones who are able to define this term for YOUR relationship). If you notice that your significant other has a crush on someone else, don’t get all angry, but rather think of it as an opportunity to talk about the connection between the two of you.

It’s important to understand all the nuances of what it means to be attracted to other people, even if you’re part of a relationship. At the end of the day, no one is able to completely turn off their natural appeal to others while involved in something serious and long-term.

You should, however, pay attention to the intensity of the attraction. Having a crush on a famous person is completely different than being attracted to a coworker you spend the majority of your day with. That being said, here are 5 indicators that your partner has a crush on someone else:

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1. Emotionally detachment

Emotionally detachment is one of the hardest things you could possibly feel in a relationship. It usually happens after both of you have been through a lot and your partner feels like they can no longer trust you and have a future with you.

In other cases, this happens if your significant other starts to have feelings for somebody else. When something like this happens, your partner might be confused at first, having no doubt regarding what’s the best thing to do. If you notice that your companion seems cold and distant towards you, don’t waste time and start talking to them.

2. Zero romantic attention

There are many reasons why a partner withdraws their romantic attention: they have a lot of things going on, they’re not in the mood, or they are attracted to someone else.

Relationship experts say that people have limited romantic energy in them, so if you believe that your partner doesn’t give you as much romantic attention as they used to, it might be because they’re directing their energy and time to another person or even a group of people, such as spending a lot of their time at the social events organized by their workplace.

It’s understandable that a situation like this can make you wonder if they have feelings for someone else or not, which is why it’s extremely important to have an honest conversation with them.

3. Social media 

While it’s necessary to establish some boundaries regarding social media, it’s not always complicated to notice when your significant other’s online routine has changed. If they start to pay a lot of attention to a certain person’s profile, that might be a warning sign that they have a crush on somebody.

As you already know, people tend to pay a lot of attention and even stalk the person they like. If you notice that your partner keeps liking the photos or the statuses of someone, especially if the other person is good-looking, you should talk to them.

There are a lot of people who use social media to cheat when their relationships don’t make them feel happy or fulfilled anymore. It generally starts when someone else gives them the validation they were looking for. They rediscover something about themselves they thought they’d lost, or they feel like there’s someone who truly appreciates them for who they really are, and it’s off to the races.

Photo from shutterstock.com

4. Jealousy

…towards someone else! 

It’s not that big of a deal to have opinions on your friends’ partners, but there’s a huge difference between interest and too much preoccupation. If your partner seems very affected and bothered by someone’s relationship, that might be a sign something’s wrong.

If that’s the case with your partner, they might start talking about how that person is in a wrong relationship and how they deserve so much better. Trust us, you want to talk to them if you sense any type of jealousy that has nothing to do with YOUR relationship!

5. New routine

A sudden change in someone’s routine is one of the easiest ways to notice that there’s something else going on. If you’ve noticed that your partner has adopted some new habits and interests, it might be an indicator of a small crush.

Maybe they started to spend more time at work, they picked up a few hobbies they’ve never seemed interested in, or they might withdraw from the regular things you usually do as a couple. All of these can be easily considered warning signs, and you should talk to your significant other about them because honesty is always the best.

…Do you want to know more about love and relationships? Check this article out: 10 Signs You’re Indifferent to Your Spouse!

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