How To Know When Your Relationship Is Falling Apart: 5 Signs

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Every relationship has its ups and downs — even the ones that may seem perfect. We’ve all been through difficult times with those we love, but occasional disagreements are usually nothing to worry about and completely normal in healthy relationships. However, at some point, you may get a feeling of doubt that’s hard to overlook.

Whether it’s a difficult event that has wrecked your trust or just a feeling that you’ve lost your connection, we’ve all been there. But how exactly do you know if the relationship is falling apart? If you’re currently dealing with this kind of question, you may want to look closely at your connection with your partner.

What are the best moments of your relationship? What about the bad ones? Making a list can help you decide whether your challenges are worth dealing with or it’s time for you to call it quits.

When you’ve been investing emotionally for a while now, it’s easier to ignore disagreements (even if they tend to happen more frequently than they used to). Truth be told, it’s never easy to end a relationship with someone you love. But knowing when it’s time to break up with your partner and bracing yourself to cope afterward are two things that can help you end an old chapter and start a new one (with you being happier).

If you’re not sure about what to do next, look out for these 5 signs that your relationship is falling apart.

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