There is no doubt that every couple wants to enjoy themselves and have fun. Even though this activity is nothing but wonderful for your mind, body, and overall relationship with your partner, there are a few things that can make it less enjoyable.
For example, things can get messy, weird, awkward, embarrassing, and even funky sometimes. But that’s not all. There are a few things people do during these special moments, which make the activities feel a little bit weird.
Some of them are out of your control, while others happen by mistake. Here are the 11 worst things you could possibly do in the bedroom.

1. Coughing or sneezing in your partner’s face
Yes, this thing happens to many people during their time in the bedroom. But if you feel that you are about to sneeze or cough, it’s your duty to turn your head away from your partner, so your bacteria won’t reach their faces.
2. Checking your phone
It is true that the person who might call or text you doesn’t know what you’re up to at the moment, but you shouldn’t rush to your phone the minute you hear a notification.
By doing this, you give off the impression that you are not very present or happy regarding what’s going on between you two. Trust me, your phone can wait (unless it is an emergency)!

3. Getting annoyed that your partner takes longer than you
There are many people who can’t reach the final scene as fast as others, so getting angry or bored that you might need to put in a little extra effort, is not the way to go.
If you are already there, make sure you give all you’ve got to make both of you happy! And if that doesn’t work out for you, an easy way to get past it is to have an honest conversation with your partner, so that you can talk about what works and what doesn’t. Moreover, it might help you come up with suggestions and techniques on how to make things feel better for both of you!

4. Behaving like a dead fish
…Do you know what a dead fish does? NOTHING at all!
Even though one of you might be more skilled when it comes to special activities, this doesn’t mean that you should just lie there and expect things to happen.
No one likes it when the other person doesn’t do anything, so it’s your responsibility to move your body as well! Even though you might not feel comfortable when you do this (at first), try it and you might be surprised!
…What do you think about this one? Tell us in the comments down below!

5. Talking too much
Everyone is concerned about what is going to happen in the world, but that moment in the bedroom isn’t the place for this discussion if you know what we mean. That time is for both of you to enjoy each other’s company, not to talk about what you saw on the news or heard on the radio!
However, nobody said that you can’t talk or say a few words, but make sure you stick to the special talk and leave the other topics for later! We guarantee that both of you will have a lot of fun together!
…Do you agree with us on this one?

6. Not saying anything
Being with your partner is all about the people who are involved in this activity, so we can say that it’s about communication as well. Nobody says that you have to talk about whatever comes to your mind (see no 5), but you can say a few things that will give your partner hints on how you feel.
7. Faking it
First of all, there are many times that feel great but don’t end up with a “special ending” and there is nothing wrong with that. Think about the fact that it is not the first time your partner has performed, so if you fake it, you might be discovered.
In addition to that, you should keep in mind that you might upset them if you do so! Don’t be the one who ruins the party!

8. Skipping kissing
If you’ve watched one of the most popular movies with Julia Roberts, ”Pretty Woman”, you know that she used to not kiss men, because it felt too personal. But does this rule apply when you’re in a safe relationship with your partner? We believe NOT!
If you are in the bedroom with your partner but you don’t want to kiss them, you might give off the impression that you don’t want to feel close to them. And if we’re being honest, if you do this, your partner is more likely to stop craving moments like this with you.
…P.S. This is one of the most important rules when it comes to women and the things they want to receive from you!

9. Say the wrong name
…Do we even have to discuss this one?
Saying someone’s name during that fun and exciting part might make both of you more engaged and enthusiastic, which might result in a very well-deserved ending (if you know what we mean).
However, things can completely go the opposite way and turn into a disaster if you make a mistake and say the wrong name. And that’s not all. You might give off the impression that there is someone else in your head, someone you wish was there with you, instead of your significant other.
…This can easily break off your relationship, so you better not say the name wrong!

10. Say that you’ve had better
It’s absolutely normal to not like all the partners you’ve been involved with. It’s also understandable that not all of them have made the same impression on you. Some of them might’ve been so impactful, that you can’t forget about them.
However, whether you’re in a long-lasting relationship with your spouse or you’ve just started dating someone, it’s absolutely impolite and overall WRONG to compare their performance with someone else’s.
Even though you might be mad or frustrated when you say it and you don’t actually mean it, you actually give off the impression that you don’t care about that person’s feelings and the whole connection between you two won’t be very strong either.

11. Making faces
There are times when your partner might do something you are not that into. But that doesn’t mean you should keep silent and make faces instead.
This is childish behavior, so it’s always best to be honest and tell them exactly what they’ve done wrong. Moreover, you can try and give them directions!
…Do you have any other ideas on what you should never do in the bedroom? We’re very curious to know, so make sure to leave a comment down below!
…If you enjoyed reading this interesting and funny article and you want to know more about relationships, we recommend checking this article out: 5 Funniest Ways People Got Cheated On!