…How often do you fight with your partner?
All couples fight every once in a while and that’s normal. Relationship experts say that misunderstandings usually happen because of the intensity and closeness between people. Some of them find it easy to tolerate annoying things their siblings, friends, or coworkers usually do, but when it comes to their significant other doing those things, they immediately get angry.
Challenges a couple has to face can easily turn into fights, but here’s the thing: if you learn something from it and you’ll remember that there’s a lot of work you have to put in to make things good between you two, then there’s nothing wrong with that.
But if you confront each other every single day over the same things and you still don’t understand anything from those conflicts, you are more likely to tear your relationship apart. As you can imagine, if you’re constantly being at each other’s throats, even the most insignificant details could spark a confrontation.
If you’re willing to learn something from all of these experiences and actually come up with a few solutions on how to have better communication, this article is for you! Are you sick of fighting with your partner? Here are 6 tips on how to stop it:

1. Let go of the desire of being right
We know that this is a tough habit to break, but you should try it if you want to make things better between the two of you. Many couples fight because one of them has a constant desire to be right, and they try to convince their partner that their actions are incorrect, irrational, or even inappropriate.
But why should you focus all of your energy on a fight rather than simply asking for what you want, especially when it’s something important to you? It doesn’t matter who’s the one who was right or wrong, what’s important is that both of you understand each other’s wants and needs and you make a decision to respect each other’s desires and demands.
2. Talk about what you feel
There’s a slight possibility that when you are in the middle of a fight and you’re incredibly angry and upset, you might fall into the trap of blaming your significant other for all the things they’ve done wrong. You might even say that everything that happens is actually their fault.
Instead of wasting your time thinking of all the things they did to you, it’s better and wiser to analyze your emotions. Tell them how you feel and give solid arguments; explain what you have in mind; and say what you want, rather than accusing them. It might be hard at first, but this is going to do wonders for your relationship in the future.
3. Listen to their arguments
One of the best pieces of advice we can give you is this one: stop thinking about the things you want to say and listen to what your partner tells you. If they aren’t very talkative, you can ask them questions, but you should carefully listen to their answers.
There are many times when people pretend that they listen, but they actually think of what they’re going to say next. Even though the main goal of a fight is to make things better for both partners, sometimes it’s hard to solve the issues, especially when the only thing you can focus on is whether the things your partner says are true or not.
Stop for a moment and take some time to actively listen to what they have to say, without worrying about whether it’s true or not. You can just listen, and when they’re done, you can ask them your questions.

4. Take a moment to calm down
There are subjects that are hard to talk about. They can cause a lot of emotions and easily make you angry. When you notice that your heart starts to beat faster and you’re about to start a fight, it’s best to take a moment to calm down. Analyze your feelings and your thoughts and find a way to tell your partner exactly what you need.
Anger typically arises when we have a desire that’s not fulfilled: whether we feel like we are not being taken seriously, we feel like people don’t listen to us, they don’t understand what we want to say, or they don’t accept us; yes, we know it doesn’t feel good. However, it’s better to stay calm rather than start a conflict and make things even worse.
5. Take a deep breath before you say something mean
When we’re angry, we usually feel hurt and want to make the other person feel the same as we do. But your words don’t need to feel like bullets, especially when you want to improve your relationship.
Take a breath and allow yourself to think about what you want to say, rather than say mean things just because you’re angry and disappointed. It’s better to say something like “I feel hurt and want to say something that will hurt you too,” because your partner will understand how you feel and you won’t be tempted to say mean words that you might regret later.
Use words that describe exactly how you feel. This way, you might notice that you can both talk to each other without having to fight, and you might be able to achieve what you want without starting a conflict.
6. Show your partner that you understand them
There are always two sides to every story, and it is possible that you and your partner have different versions regarding the reason why you keep fighting. A good trick to avoid this is to try and take a look at things from your significant other’s perspective.
You might notice a huge difference, and you might be surprised to discover that some of your fights can easily be solved with a bit of attention and implication. Think about what they might say or what they might want you to do, and you’ll see how things quickly change and how you actually understand what they expect from you and your relationship.
…Do you have any tips for making your relationship beautiful and healthy without constantly fighting? Tell us your secrets by leaving a comment on our post!
…Do you want more? Here’s an article we think you might enjoy reading: 5 Ways Your Relationship Is Solid (Even if It Doesn’t Seem Like It)!