It’s not a secret that women know better how to express their feelings, emotions, desires, and thoughts than men. But that doesn’t mean that gentlemen’s minds aren’t filled with all sorts of thoughts and sentiments. Unfortunately, some of them have no idea how to say them out loud, or others are afraid that they’ll come out as too sensitive.
However, we did a bit of research and we ended up on Reddit, where we found tons of messages left by men who opened up and revealed some things that they wish their women knew about them. And trust us, it’s too captivating to miss them out! So, ladies, if you want to get to know your significant others better but have no idea how to make them talk to you more deeply, here are all the things you need to know.
Click on the next page to discover all the things men would LOVE their women to know:

1. They like affection too
Even though they are known for being the strong ones, some people say that men are like little kids who need a bit of extra care and attention from time to time. Just because you’re used to being the one that is nurtured and protected, doesn’t mean that your man won’t appreciate some affection every now and then.
A few gentlemen on Reddit even said that there are times when they want to be the little spoon. That’s because they want to cuddle and feel safe and secure without having their partners’ hair in their faces.

2. They want to feel wanted
People have a general idea that men are the ones who want more to be intimate and usually initiate physical contact. Sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s not. But they really like it when women take control and directly say what they want. They find this very attractive and are actually crazy about it!
When a woman is the one who takes the first step toward an intimate episode, they think that their partners are confident, bold, and know how to get what they want. Besides that, this makes them feel wanted and desired, and trust us, it’s a very good mood booster, if you know what we mean. So, ladies, don’t be afraid to initiate contact! Your partners will love it!

3. They hate mixed signals about intimacy
…Well, who doesn’t hate this, to be honest?
We’re not done with the intimate subject just yet. Some Reddit users said they hate it when women act as if they’re all in for being intimate, but then decide it’s enough and it’s better to stop right there. Totally a mood killer, if you ask us.
Of course, there might be times when you wanted to be more connected to your partner, but then something happened and you remembered that you had to do something. Or maybe you thought of different things that made you feel bad and the romanticism broke off.
These things are normal. They can happen to anyone at any time, but your partner doesn’t know about them unless you have an honest conversation with them. Talk to them and tell them how you feel. They’ll surely understand.

4. They don’t want to be hit
If you’ve watched any romantic movies, you know that there are a lot of scenes when women are very sad, angry, and disappointed in their partners; they quickly slap them across the face to calm down and get some sort of revenge.
Even though this type of behavior is somehow promoted on television, you should never do that in real life because it’s painful and disrespectful. Just because they’ve made you sad doesn’t give you the right to hit them. It can lead to several issues in relationships, especially a lack of trust and respect.

5. No answer doesn’t mean they don’t care
Women tend to assume that if their significant others don’t give them an answer fast, it means that they don’t love them anymore. This usually happens during a fight, when females are angry and want to hear something from men, but they simply have no idea what to say.
A few Reddit users even say that if you’re arguing and they’re quiet, it’s not that they don’t care about you, it’s just that they prefer to keep their mouths shut instead of saying something that’ll make the situation even worse.
…What do you think about this topic? Are you scared that your partner might not care about you anymore if they don’t give you an answer right away?

6. Needing time alone doesn’t equal a lack of sentiments
Typically, when men say that they need to spend some time alone, the first thing that comes to women’s minds is that they’re sick of their company and the relationship will end soon. That’s not right.
Sometimes, they simply want to do guy things, like playing video games, going out with their male friends, or staying at home without chatting all the time with you. They aren’t sick of you, they just want to focus on themselves for a bit, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
…We believe that spending some time alone can be beneficial for people in a relationship and can actually make them feel closer to one another! Do you agree with us? Tell us what you think by leaving a comment down below!

7. They want to be taken care of
As you already know, women love it when their partners take care of them. That’s because they enjoy being nurtured; it makes them feel important, loved, and appreciated.
But the same thing goes for men. Even though they might not say it, they truly enjoy it when women make it a priority to take care of them. And before you ask, no, they’re not looking for you to be their mother. All they wish for are little things that prove to them how important they are to you.
For instance, instead of waiting for them to come home after a long day of work and asking them what they want to eat, you can cook their favorite meal and have dinner ready when they come home. Or you can surprise them with something they need, such as a new pair of PJs or a new shirt. You can even put lunch together for them and put it in their bag to take to work.
…You don’t have to overcomplicate things. Just think of little details that will make their lives easier and that will show them how much they mean to you! Not to mention, this will also make your relationship even more beautiful, romantic, and sincere, so it’s a win-win!

8. They want to feel respected
You might think that this is common sense, and you’re right. It’s understandable and normal for everyone to look for respect in their significant others. The majority of the time, women are the ones who complain about the fact that men don’t respect them. But what if men feel like they’re also not being respected?
Now let’s talk a bit about dignity. It doesn’t just mean having nice language and behavior; it also means paying attention to the things you say and how you act around the people you love.
Motivating your man to get things done, saying beautiful words, complimenting them, communicating instead of criticizing everything they do, and building them up instead of tearing them apart are forms of respect men love to receive from women. When a man is treated with respect and honor, they will surely do the same for the woman they love, so the entire relationship will be based on beautiful things, such as love and dignity.

9. They like compliments too
We all know that women feel instantly better when someone compliments them, especially if the person who does it is someone they have deep feelings for. But did you know that men like compliments too?
Even if it’s just a small thing, such as ”This shirt looks really good on you”, or “You are very cute” will make their day a lot better. This will give them a mood boost and it will make them more confident; so make sure you make your man feel loved. They will surely appreciate it!
…Speaking of men and women, do you want to read something else that will make you understand your partner better? This is our recommendation: 10 Things Most Men Would Never Confess to a Woman!