8 Charming and Seductive Traits That Have Nothing to Do With Looks

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…Have you ever noticed that there are people who are absolutely charming, even though they are not the most attractive ones?

We are all beautiful in our own way, but if we’re being honest, some people are more good-looking than others. And that might be due to some of their physical traits. But this doesn’t mean that you should be physically beautiful to be charming.

If we take a look at society’s beauty standards, we’ll see that they have changed a lot throughout the years. From curvy women to androgenic body types to super athletic bodies, and then a lot of inclusivity, trends come and go. And that’s a fact.

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from shutterstock.com

This is why you should know that attitude is the most important thing when it comes to being attractive, persuasive, bold, bossy, charming, delicate, basically everything, and not the way you look on the outside.

There are a few things people do that help them look absolutely divine, and they make the people around them feel beautiful and appreciated. We want to share all this information with you, so if you want to know more, the only thing you have to do is to click on the next page and keep reading.

With that being said, here are 8 charming and seductive traits of people that have nothing to do with looks.

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1. They know their own worth

There are many times when people feel like they aren’t worth enough. So they accept being treated badly by other people. If you’re dating someone, for instance, and you’re always waiting for their messages or their calls, and you immediately feel better when they reach out, that might be a bit tricky.

Especially if you’re sad and overthinking why they don’t call or text you. By doing so, you give off the impression that you seek external validation and that you are not okay with yourself first.

Someone who knows their worth knows when to say no and when to accept something. They don’t care about someone else’s validation, they’re not interested in drama, and they don’t stop living their own lives just to make somebody else happy.

Experts say that people who know and value their own worth are more selective when it comes to those they spend time with, so it’s natural to be less available than those who aren’t very confident.

Think about this in an economical way: the lack of supply increases demand, so this means that you are more likely to be appreciated by others if you know how to value yourself in the first place.

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2. They are confident 

If you’ve read any of our articles, you already know that we talk a lot about the major role confidence plays when it comes to all sorts of relationships, including the one you have with yourself.

Don’t think that you have to meet society’s beauty standards just so you can be confident. The trick here is to accept yourself as you are and work on improving the things you have in order to make YOURSELF feel better, not the people around you.

You don’t need to own the fanciest car or the most beautiful house in the neighborhood to be confident. You just have to believe it and act like you don’t care about other people’s negative comments.

…If you do these things, everyone around you will notice, and their attitude will change for the better as well! 

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3.  They have the ability to make other people feel good 

In simpler words, this means that being supportive is attractive and absolutely charming. When you listen to someone who has a problem, for instance, and you are objective, you don’t judge and you try to see the good part of it, you make people like you more.

That’s because they feel encouraged, uplifted, and calm talking to you or being in your presence. Experts say it happens because positive emotions promote closeness and they also activate the dopaminergic system in our brains.

Furthermore, when you make someone feel good, the reward pathway is lit up in their brains, so they will want to spend more time with you. Apply this tip to your romantic relationship and you’ll have a big surprise!

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4. They have fun

No, you shouldn’t party all night to make people think that you are very attractive! All you have to do is to be present in everything you do and show how passionate you are about some things in your life.

When people see your smiley face and the way you talk about your favorite things, they will be happy to be around you, because your positive attitude will actually be contagious! So why are you so serious? Smile more and have fun!

…Did you know that funny and positive people are more attractive? Try it yourself and you’ll be surprised! 

Photo by Cast Of Thousands from shutterstock.com

5. Kindness

At the risk of sounding like the biggest cliché on the Internet, we have to say that kindness is quite rare these days, and it shouldn’t be like that. Of course, you meet nice people everywhere you go, but how many of them, for instance, will actually be okay with actively listening to someone’s problems and really trying to understand them?

Whether we’re talking about men or women, everybody wants to be with someone who is nice to them, their friends, and their family. They’re looking for a person who is able to cheer them on when they don’t feel well; someone who can put a smile on everybody’s face and who always has some kind words to say.

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6. Passion

People need constant inspiration and motivation to do all the things they’ve set their minds to do. It’s absolutely amazing and attractive to be inspired by the person you share your whole life with. When your partner is passionate about their pursuits in life, they will motivate you to do the same, and you’ll find incredible joy in what you do.

This might sound cheesy, but a partner who keeps their interests and who tries to constantly evolve, learn, and grow is more attractive than the most gorgeous physique.

It doesn’t matter what that person does for a living; if their eyes light up when they talk about the things they want to achieve, we’re sure that their partners are going to fall fast and hard for them. So, if you want your significant other to be more interested in your personality rather than your appearance, you must identify your interests and pursue them with zeal.

Photo by Cast Of Thousands from shutterstock.com

7. Decisiveness

We’ve previously talked about confidence and why exactly it is so important in general, not just in romantic relationships. But what about being decisive? Many people say they’re crazy about those who know exactly what they want and are not afraid to say it out loud.

If you give it a second thought, you’ll surely see that it’s quite a big turn-off to be with someone who always complains and doesn’t know what to do and what to say. It’s rather tiring to have to take the lead all the time. It’s fun and attractive to share your life with people who are strong enough to be decisive at all costs.

…Do you agree with us on this one? Tell us in the comments down below!

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8. They are okay with being vulnerable

It’s human nature to act like our lives are always put together and that we don’t have big issues we actually have to face on a daily basis. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable with someone you care about won’t make them think that you’re weak but rather strong.

You’re showing them that you are someone they can relate to and that you are not afraid of showing that life isn’t perfect for you. However, don’t fall into the trap and start venting about all of your problems to people you barely know.

…Only be open if you feel like it! 

…If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to check this one out as well: 5 Rules Grandparents Are Allowed To Break!

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