10 Tips on How to Avoid Awkward Silence on the First Date

© Shutterstock

6.Try to relax.

First dates can be tricky, but you need to remind yourself that you’re not at a job interview or exam. You’re simply talking to another human being and trying to know them better. Also, remember that they might feel nervous too.

Don’t focus on being ‘perfect’ or making a good first impression, just be yourself and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. After all, chances are you’re not popping the big question on a first date, so there’s no need to be anxious.

If you feel agitated and uncomfortable, you might pass those feelings to the other person, which will eventually lead to the awkward silence you’re trying so much to prevent. Take a deep breath, relax, and just be yourself, the conversation will flow naturally this way.

When you’re trying too much, things appear unnatural.

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