…How often has it happened to you that you’ve said things out of anger or out of thought and then immediately regretted them?
It’s absolutely natural to make mistakes and to say things you didn’t mean and immediately regret them. The problem is that you might end up creating issues in your relationships, whether we talk about those with your significant other, with your children, or grandkids, or with your doctor.
If you want to keep both your personal and your professional relationships healthy and honest, there are a few things you should abstain from saying. If you’re curious to know all of them, click on the next page, because you should never say these 8 things to the people in your life.

1. What not to say to your kids/grandkids
Whether they’re fully grown-up or not, there are a few things you should never tell them, although you might have good intentions. For instance, telling a kid (regardless of age, they’re still your kids, right?) that they should be more like their siblings or like other people won’t do them any good. It will hurt their feelings and will lower their self-esteem.
Another thing you should avoid is offering your help every time. Teach them how to be independent and how to handle their own issues. If you notice that they don’t know what the right thing to do in a situation is, you can then give them some directions.

2. What you shouldn’t say to your friends
This one might not be very specific, but many experts believe that you shouldn’t give your friends direct advice if you don’t know the exact situation. For instance, if they have a toxic workplace and they’re not as happy as they used to be, instead of telling them “You should quit your job!”, it’s best to listen to all their reasons why they still work there.
After that, you can help them by asking certain questions to make them realize if they’re willing to go further or quit. In other words, you shouldn’t be the one to influence their decision.
If you have no idea what to say and what to do, you can always tell them to talk to a professional who knows exactly how to help them make the right choice.

3. What you shouldn’t say to your grandchildren’s teacher
It’s absolutely understandable that you adore the little kids in your life and you want them to be safe and happy. This means that there are times when you might do a few things just so you don’t make them sad.
However, there are a few things you should never say in front of them, and accusing their teacher of being tough or wrong (even if your grandchildren say so), is surely one of them.
At the end of the day, that teacher is an authority figure for them, so saying things such as “‘you have no idea what you’re doing”, will make the kids think that it’s ok to talk to their teacher in a disrespectful way.

4. What you should never tell your mechanic
Many times, people notice that there is something wrong with their car and they go to the mechanic, but directly tell them something like “This is the only problem, just fix what I tell you to”.
Saying something like this will only start off the conversation on the wrong foot due to you giving off the impression you don’t trust their competencies. Usually, the mechanics don’t have a problem listening to the customers regarding the way their car is behaving, because it helps them give you a true diagnosis.
However, they might need to test a few things in order to be sure of what the problem is. Many people are scared that the mechanics only care about taking their money, so they prefer to come prepared and tell the experts what’s wrong. But in reality, the car might home some additional issues the owner had no idea about and all of them need to be solved.

5. What not to say to your significant other
If you’ve read any of our articles before, you might know what sorts of things are better to keep only for yourself and not tell your spouse. One of them is saying “I don’t believe you”, especially when trust is one of the most important qualities in a long-term and healthy relationship.
Words like these can be hard to hear and they don’t sound very well but are rather accusatory. Moreover, they tend to backfire and create even more of a fight. Another thing that people do and make the spark in their relationship fade away is saying things such as “you’re overreacting” or “don’t be such a baby”.
These will only make the partner feel bad and underappreciated, so it’s always a good option to take a deep breath and think twice before you start saying something you might regret later.

6. Don’t say this to your boss
Don’t even think of a promotion or a raise if you keep saying things such as “that is not part of my job description” or “I have too much to do. Can someone else do this?”. You might risk being perceived as negative, lazy, or even arrogant and we’re sure you already know that negativity does not help at all when it comes to a successful and flourishing career.
We understand that it might be annoying to do more things than you should be doing, but think of it as an opportunity to evolve, grow, and learn more. Besides that, you’ll show your boss how capable you are of doing certain things, which will allow them to analyze your skill and competencies.
…Click on the next page to read the rest of it!

In addition to that, if your boss asks you to do something extra, it means that they trust you and your abilities, which can be seen as a form of flattery. If you respond to them with phrases like “I can’t do it”, you might give off the impression that you don’t have a good work ethic.
However, if you’re afraid that you will end up feeling exhausted and spread yourself too thin, you can always ask your boss for time and task management advice. They will surely appreciate your motivation and the way you try to improve your work.
…Do you agree with us on this one?

7. What you should never say to your siblings
Everyone has a different type of relationship with their siblings. Some are more affectionate and they get along pretty well, while others fight or prefer something that’s more on the “tough love” side of things.
Even though all of you are adults know, there is still a part of them that wants to protect you and take care of you. With that being said, if you ask them something like “why do you have such an overprotective attitude? We’re not kids anymore!”, you might make them feel unwanted and sad.
Just like we’ve previously said, it’s in their nature to protect and watch out for you, even though you’re no longer children. It is true that you might get annoyed by their behavior, but you should be grateful that they care that much about you.

8. What you should never say to your doctor
This one is simple. Basically, all you have to do is tell them the truth! If you have a health problem, for instance, and they tell you to take certain medications for a period of time, but you don’t and say you did, you’re the only one who’s actually getting hurt here.
If you’re not honest with your doctor, they won’t be able to identify what works for you and what doesn’t, so you won’t receive effective treatment for your problem.
Moral of the story? Be honest!
…If you liked reading this article and you want to move on to another one, check this out: 5 Ways To Get Over A Messy Divorce!