10 Things Women Do Behind Closed Doors

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from shutterstock.com

As you might already know, women are creatures who were not made to be understood. They are unpredictable, intelligent, funny, beautiful, hard-working, serious, and devoted. They have the capacity to hold a family together, and so many other things.

However, as much as they would want the rest of the world to know that everything they are doing is as effortless as possible, it is not true. There are times when they want to give off the impression that they can have it all, and that they are organized and have their lives all figured out.

We have talked to several women to find out that they are actually not as organized as they seem to be, and sometimes, they do things that men are not aware of!

Don’t worry, these are funny!

Without further ado, let’s see all the things you won’t believe women actually do!

Photo by Sinica Kover from shutterstock.com

1. They wear the same bra every day!

Don’t take this the wrong way, because they have a lot of bras: lacey, colored, black, white, nude, transparent, strapless, backless, frontless, you name it!

However, all of them have a bra that makes their girls look nice and plump, regardless of the color or model! It doesn’t matter how many options they have or how beautiful the one in the drawer is, they will usually go for the one that does the right thing!

…Click on the next page to see what other weird things women do all the time! 

Photo by Taras Soliak from shutterstock.com

2. They put on tanning lotion just on the areas that will be visible 

There are a lot of women who love having a sun-kissed color on their bodies without staying under the actual sun. However, sometimes it’s annoying to wait for the tanning cream or spray to get dry, so women have a simple trick up their sleeve: they only apply the lotion to those areas that are going to be visible.

Golden arms? Yes, please.

Golden, silky legs? Of course?

Golden girls? No, thank you!

…Did you know that when women are short on time, they use tanning lotion only on these areas? 

Photo by ArtFamily from shutterstock.com

3. They take 100 pictures just because they want to 

As you might already know, women tend to take 100 selfies in a few minutes, just to complain that they like 1 or 2 of them. There are times when they like to put makeup on, get dressed in nice clothes, and just take photos for themselves.

We have talked to several women for this article and trust us, some of them know that they are crazy when it comes to taking pictures, but they simply can’t help themselves!

Whether they end up posting some of them on their social media platforms or not, one thing is for sure: they had fun taking those photos!

Photo by LightField Studios from shutterstock.com

4. Spend a lot of time in the bathtub…

…to get rid of all that extra hair! Most women don’t like or don’t feel comfortable having a lot of unwanted hair on their bodies and they prefer having silky smooth skin instead.

This is why they tend to spend a lot of time, even hours, in the bathtub, to make sure that there is no hair left! After they are completely done with that part, they feel like a little extra self-care never hurts anybody, so they apply moisturizer.

…How much time do you spend in the bathroom doing your self-care routine? 

Photo by AwesProduction from shutterstock.com

5. They hide their money in their brassieres 

Maybe you’ve seen this in movies, maybe not, but it is true! There are times when women are not in the mood to hold a bag and they don’t want to hold their wallets in their hands either.

What is there left to do?

They hide their money in their brassieres, in order to make sure they don’t lose it! If they wear long boots, sometimes they put the money in there too! What can we say? Undergarments are a great storage space option!

…Have you ever seen a woman do something like this? Tell us in the comments down below! 

Photo by photomak from shutterstock.com

6. Pretend to stretch just to check if their armpits are ok

As much as women would hate to admit, sometimes life happens and they forget to shave their armpits. We all understand that sometimes life gets in the way, so no wonder why they might forget to do their whole routine.

When they can’t remember if they’ve shaved their armpits or if their antiperspirant is still ok, usually, a simple stretch can help them check on their deodorant.

…What can we say about this thing women do when nobody sees them? We believe that they are creative! What do you think? 

Photo by Maha Heang 245789 from shutterstock.com

7. Spray perfume on their partner’s pillow

Think about those romantic movies you might watch sometimes, and remember the scenes where after a woman leaves her partner’s house, they turn around in bed and smell the perfume on her pillow. Isn’t it cute?

Unfortunately, sometimes perfume doesn’t last as long as women would want it to, so they spray their partners’ pillows with it, in order to make sure they think about them after they leave. They are always a step ahead of everybody else!

…Have you ever seen your partner spray perfume on your pillow? What did you think about it? 

Photo by Cast Of Thousands from shutterstock.com

8. They don’t wash their hair as often as you might think 

If you are a man, washing your hair is easy-peasy, but if you are a woman, you understand that it’s annoying to spend a lot of time washing your hair, doing a hair mask, blow drying it, and so many other things.

This is the reason why ponytails and messy buns are such popular hairstyles. However, there is also another trick that women use in order to give off the impression that they’ve just washed their hair, and that is dry shampoo.

Who said diamonds are a girl’s best friend? For women nowadays it’s actually dry shampoo! 

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

9. They use flirting as their weapon

Women are beautiful, good-looking, and attractive, and they sure know how to use these qualities to their advantage! And why shouldn’t they? Whether they want a raise, a new partner, or working things out when they are being pulled over by the police, they can obtain what they want!

If you’ve watched the popular sitcom called “Friends”, then you have an example in your mind. There was an episode in which Rachel and Ross were in a car and she was driving very fast. The police pulled them over, but Rachel started flirting with the officer and she didn’t receive a ticket.

After a while, Ross was the one who wanted to drive, but he was going too slow. When the police told him to pull over, Ross tried his friend’s method, but it didn’t work out.

What do you think about this? Smart, right?

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

10. They cyber-stalk 

They open their social media accounts and they look at all the interesting things they can find. Whether they watch funny videos, they are looking for something to buy online, or they are simply listening to some of their favorite songs, the Internet is an amazing tool they aren’t afraid to use!

Suddenly, after they spent a while scrolling around, they get curious about their friends, other people, their partners, so they start looking at their profiles, analyzing their pictures.

Although it is not good to stalk someone due to the fact that you’re wasting time, we have to admit that sometimes it’s actually entertaining to do so!

Photo by Studio Romantic from Shutterstock


To sum up this article, we have to say that women are very creative people and they sure know how to obtain what they want. Even though they always seem like they have their lives together, there are times when they do some of these things when nobody is watching them.

What do you think about these 10 things women do in secret? Did you know about them? Have you ever done any of these things?

We are curious to know, so make sure to share your thoughts and experiences with us by leaving a comment in the section down below!

If you enjoyed reading this article, we have plenty more just like it!

….Make sure to check this one out as well: 5 Red Flags to Watch Out for When Dating! 

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