10 Things Women Do Behind Closed Doors

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

9. They use flirting as their weapon

Women are beautiful, good-looking, and attractive, and they sure know how to use these qualities to their advantage! And why shouldn’t they? Whether they want a raise, a new partner, or working things out when they are being pulled over by the police, they can obtain what they want!

If you’ve watched the popular sitcom called “Friends”, then you have an example in your mind. There was an episode in which Rachel and Ross were in a car and she was driving very fast. The police pulled them over, but Rachel started flirting with the officer and she didn’t receive a ticket.

After a while, Ross was the one who wanted to drive, but he was going too slow. When the police told him to pull over, Ross tried his friend’s method, but it didn’t work out.

What do you think about this? Smart, right?

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