25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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22.What’s your partner’s favorite dessert?

Knowing your partner’s favorite dessert is important, especially on those days where you feel like surprising them with their favorite Ben & Jerry ice cream after a bad workday. Or, if your partner is crazy about your homemade strawberry cheesecake, it would be nice to surprise them once in a while with that delicious cake.

Knowing their taste is a good way to show them that you care and a good indicator that you pay close attention to the details as well.

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23.What’s your significant other’s most treasured memory?

A Psychology Today article has shown that one of the most important things in making a relationship thrive is knowing your significant other’s most treasured memory. For some, it’s something that happened in their childhood, for others it can be a sports event they attended with their family while others treasure the moment they met their now-partner.

Sharing those moments with the person you love can help you bond, but it’s even more important to create new memories together as a couple.

Read also: 10 Signs You Ought to Say “Yes” to a Second Date. 

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