25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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24.What’s their favorite color?

While this is such a basic question, a lot of people do not think it’s very important to know their partner’s favorite color. It’s still important to ask them about it, but in some cases, you might tell by just looking at them.

If they have a lot of blue T-shirts, their car is blue, or they painted their walls in the same color, chances are you don’t have to ask them anymore. Knowing your partner’s favorite color will be very helpful when you’re trying to buy them a gift. It will definitely make your task easier.

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25.Is romance important to your one and only?

While real-life relationships are far more different than what we see in romantic movies, you still need a little bit of romance in your life in order to have a happy, long-lasting relationship.

According to psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith, a relationship is more than grand gestures. In fact, the little things are more important, he added. That’s why it’s important to find out what your partner loves and values in a relationship.

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