25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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1.What food your partner hates?

A thoughtful partner should know their partner’s likes and dislikes when it comes to food. While it might be hard to remember all the foods they like, it certainly very important to remember what they absolutely hate.

Besides the fact that you’ll show them how much you care by remembering all the foods they hate, you’ll also avoid a lot of future arguments since you won’t be cooking them. A lot of people can feel judged based on the foods they don’t like, whether it’s for health reasons, moral concerns, or simply preference.

That’s why being aware of your partner’s likes and dislikes could contribute to a healthy relationship. So make sure you’re not adding tomatoes to your partner’s salad if you know they hate them!

Here are The Best Tips on How to Find Love in Your 40s. CLICK HERE to find out more about this topic!

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