25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other


4.How do they feel about marriage and children?

Another very important aspect of a relationship is to know how the other person sees the important aspects of life, including marriage and children. After all, it’s vital to know where you two stand.

While you might want to get married one day and have a big family, maybe your partner doesn’t want to be a parent anytime soon, or maybe ever. That’s why you need to make sure you’re on the same page.

These topics should be discussed from the beginning of the relationship, so you know what to expect. If they tell you from the beginning that they never plan to get married, and you know you want that in the future, you’ll save a lot of time and tears by choosing to move on.

Also, this will help you understand if your relationship is going in the right direction, if you want the same things, chances are you’ll get along very well.

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