25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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5.What does friendship look like to your partner?

Another very important thing you should know about your significant other is how friendship looks like through their eyes, according to SELF. How close is your partner to their friends? Do they talk on the phone for hours or they prefer texting?

Also, is your partner the kind of friend that likes to take a big annual trip with their BFFs? Or they’re more into frequent gatherings, including dinner or other intimate gatherings. Knowing these aspects about your significant other will help you understand who they are as a person, and whether or not they need some alone time to spend with their best friends.

While some people like to include their partners in all their plans, others might still want to have the opportunity to spend quality time with their friends without their significant other.

Here are 9 Little Ways to Show Affection to Your Significant Other. CLICK HERE to find out more about this topic!

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