25 Questions Everyone Should Be Able to Answer About Their Significant Other

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8.What is your partner afraid of?

An OUT article has shown that most people know what their partner is afraid of, including nyctophobia (extreme fear of the dark), acrophobia (extreme fear of heights), arachnophobia (extreme fear of spiders), or other existential fears including fear of failure, gamophobia (fear of commitment/marriage) or others.

It’s important to know what your partner is most afraid of, and vice versa, in order to be able to seek and offer comfort. Offer them a shoulder to cry on just in case a great fear rears its ugly head.

Here are 21 Relationship Goals for 2021. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic!


9.Does your partner believe in God?

While religious beliefs don’t always have to align in order to have a happy relationship, for some people this is quite an important criterion. In fact, religious orientation, faith, or the lack of it could be a huge deal-breaker for some people.

This is definitely something you should know about your partner before getting married. Maybe they were raised with a particular set of religious beliefs, or they found faith later in life, either way, it’s something you should talk about with your significant other.

It would be ideal to have this discussion at the beginning of your relationship just to know where you two stand and whether you’re compatible or not. If you don’t care very much about this aspect then you’re good to know. But when you’re a very religious person, you might want someone that shares your beliefs, especially when you have long-term plans for the relationship or plan on having kids together.

According to Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., relationship expert and author of 5 Simple Steps To Take Your Marriage From Good To Great, make sure you ask yourself the following question: “If you plan on someday having kids, would either of you be adamant about raising them in a certain way?”

How An Equal Relationship Should Look Like, According to Experts. More info HERE!

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