How Social Media Can Affect Your Relationship, According to Experts

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2.Acknowledge that social media is addictive!

Recent studies have shown that social media is as addictive as taking drugs, and unfortunately, children tend to be the most affected by this addiction. You need to ask yourself how many hours a day you spend online. If you’re spending more than one hour a day on social media, you might have a problem.

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Most people are no longer focused on human interactions and prefer to spend time online where everything is ‘safe’. Ever went to a restaurant or a bar, looked around, and saw a bunch of people using their phones and not talking to each other? This is the effect of social media. This addiction can affect both your friendships and your romantic relationships as well.

Research has shown that 10 percent of Americans are addicted to social media. Moreover, a study conducted at Harvard University has shown that using social media affects certain parts of our brain that are usually triggered by drugs, so it’s safe to say that social media addiction is a real thing.

Here are 18 Social Media Habits That Are Still Considered Cheating. More info HERE!

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