How Social Media Can Affect Your Relationship, According to Experts


5.Social media could also contribute to mental health issues.

As previously mentioned, nobody posts their failures online, so it might create the false idea that other people are living a perfect life while nothing seems to go well in yours. You see pictures with people having perfect bodies, perfect relationships, perfect children, and perfect jobs.

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This could contribute to mental health issues and a lot of disappointment in your personal life. It’s important to understand that what you see online is not always real, even though the lines between social media and reality can get blurry sometimes.

Seeing other people’s perfect lives could lead to depression or anxiety when you start comparing your life to theirs. But always remember that your life might also appear perfect in someone else’s eyes based on what you choose to post online, so this can be very misleading.

Make sure to also check: 10 Tips for Making Dating With Depression Easier.

But how can you keep your relationship strong in the era of social media? Read on to discover Leslie Shore’s tips and tricks on how to prevent social media from destroying your relationship!

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