10 Signs You Have a Strong Personality

Photo by Briana Hunter from shutterstock.com

1. You’re not afraid to say you were wrong

Being a human being means that you don’t have endless power to do everything you want to. It also means that you might not be able to do everything right the first time. You may need more time, more knowledge, more help from others, who knows?

The important part is that there is nothing wrong with making a mistake. It can happen to everyone and it can always – at least almost – be fixed. Recognizing and being opened about your mistakes means assuming your wrongs and always growing.

Adults shouldn’t be afraid to admit they were wrong. They should try and repair their mistakes and get over them.

2. You don’t like small talk

In this one I’m not talking about chit-chatting with colleagues, friends or family. It is normal to catch up, to talk about what each other have been doing and so on.

The small talk refers to unnecessary gossip or comments about different topics, such as you boss’s new car. Yes, you will see it, but it’s not a subject that deserves a lot of your time and energy. You might be focused on bigger topics that serve you more good.

3. You have strong values

People who have strong values know what they like and what they don’t. They are determined, focused and are not afraid to say “no” when they find something they don’t agree with.

Over the years and thanks to the experience they have accumulated, they have developed a strong set of values. If they find something or someone who doesn’t fit there, they won’t settle for less.

4. You are not a people pleaser

There is nothing wrong with helping people or with being there when they need someone. But that doesn’t mean people with strong personalities forget about themselves and start doing everything that everyone else want.

People with strong personalities are opened and they are willing to help others, but that doesn’t mean they will get out of their way just to please someone.

5. Others might say you are arrogant

Having a strong set of beliefs and values, being determined and knowing exactly what you want might give the idea that you are arrogant, but only because you are focused on your goals.

This happens a lot when somebody values their own time rather then doing something for others. Also, when someone is speaking their mind and they are not beating around the bush with the words they use, they might seem harsh, but in reality, it is not the case. You can’t always have a smile on your face when you say something that might not be what everyone else is thinking.

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