10 Signs You Have a Strong Personality

Photo by WAYHOME studio from shutterstock.com

6. You don’t need others’ attention

People with strong personalities care more about themselves. This in not something selfish, it only means that they are embracing themselves and they want what’s best for them.

They are doing many things and they don’t seek people’s attention or validation, because they are confident in their own strength.

7. You don’t care about excuses

Excuses make you postpone your activity and make you avoid facing your responsibilities. We have all done it, but people that have strong personalities know that this is not the way to go.

It is true that sometimes it’s good to take a break and not do anything, but finding several excuses so you won’t have to deal with what you’re supposed to say it’s not good.

8. You show your vulnerable side

We all want to be perceived as strong, confident, bold people, but we also have a lot of emotions. Sometimes we are scared, angry, upset, tired, who knows what else?

Admitting your emotions and your feelings is not something bad, because it takes a lot of courage to open up about what you feel.

9. You defend your beliefs

There are people who prefer to keep it quiet when there is an argument involved, even though they might be right. Having a strong personality means that you choose to speak up when you want and have to. It also means that you are not afraid to tell someone that they are wrong – as long as you give arguments.

10. You don’t like ignorance

There’s no room for negative energy, self-doubt and toxicity in your life. Not from you and not from somebody else! You attract what you are, so being positive and helpful will do just wonders!


Not all people are born with a strong personality. Many times, a personality and an attitude like this begin when the person has a lot of experience and a lot of confidence.

These can be learned day by day, little by little, without too much stress.

Until next time, act confident and no one will question you!

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