13 Things Scientifically Proven to Make Women More Attractive to Men


7 Makeup

As far as makeup goes, it’s pretty clear women love it.  After all, it’s not without reason that the beauty industry’s worth has been estimated at about $532 billion in 2020, and is on an upward trajectory, unlike other industries affected by the coronavirus crisis. This only goes to show that not even a pandemic can keep a woman away from her makeup kit.

But what do men think about women using makeup? Well, during an experiment conducted by psychologists at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, participants were given photos of women wearing three styles of makeup: minimal, moderate, and dramatic. All three types of makeup received good ratings in terms of attractiveness, as well as likability, competence, and trustworthiness. However, when participants looked at the images a little bit longer than the first time, they still considered women in the photos attractive and competent and less likable and trustworthy. The reason? To quote the study’s lead author, Nancy Etcoff, “makeup is a powerful but understudied tool”.

Another study on this issue, published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, revealed that both male and female participants found women with discrete makeup to be more attractive. The takeaway? Take it easier with the face contouring!


8 A bodycon dress

Nothing spells sensual and sexy than a bodycon dress. Men would certainly agree, according to a 2009 study, which surprisingly revealed that a woman’s hip-to-waist ratio is considered more seductive and enticing than the size of her breasts. Male participants agreed that women with “an hourglass shape and a slim waist” are the most alluring, regardless of their breast size. It seems men appreciate contouring after all, just not on women’s faces.

Luckily for men, ladies are not yet fed up with the contour dress trend, so they’ll still be seeing plenty of contoured bodies, at least for a while. The good thing about bodycon dresses is that women of any size, not only women with slim waists, can look amazing in these attires.

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9 A hair tie

As numerous scientifical studies revealed, men prefer women with longer hair. But what’s with the hair tie, then? Well, based on findings of a study conducted by Pantene, it’s not the length of the hair but what women can do with it, that attracts men. In addition, 87 percent of the men surveyed admitted that hair is extremely important when it comes to a woman’s overall appearance.

According to professional matchmaker Steve Ward, a woman with a loose bun or a tousled braid seems easy going, laid back and comfortable in her own shoes. More than that, a bun allows a better view of the woman’s face, neck, and collarbone, which men also find attractive. The thing women use to tie their hair in all these “inviting” styles? A hair tie!

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