What You Should Never Say to Someone Going Through A Divorce

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5.“You need space.”

Getting a divorce is life-changing. You’re no longer leaving with the person you’ve shared a bed with for years and years, maybe you’re not even talking to them anymore, not seeing their face in the morning…

At the same time, if there are children involved, you’ll be forced to find a way to make things work and learn more about co-parenting, which is definitely easier said than done. Even when your marriage didn’t work, you’re still a family and your children’s wellbeing should be your top priority.

It’s OK to need some time to process things. And even when the other person is not saying it out loud, a good friend will know exactly when the other person needs space. However, you need to make sure your friend knows you’re there for them. Don’t just start uninviting them to dinners and friends gathering just because you feel they need space.

Or, you no longer hang out with them because they’re single now and you’re still leaving a married life and fall out of contact all of a sudden. These things can hurt a lot, especially for someone who’s seen their whole life change after getting divorced.

Therefore, if you feel like your friend needs some time to process things, let them know you’re still there for them even when you don’t reach out. Alyssa, a woman who just went through a divorce explained that it can be very painful when friends completely erase you from their lives after you get divorced.

Even when they don’t say it out loud, it’s like they don’t want to be friends anymore because you’re single and live a different life now, she added. Therefore, if you want to be a good, supportive friend, try not to isolate them and act as nothing happened. In fact, Dr. Walker recommends putting in an extra effort, reach out frequently, and let your friend know you’re there for them.

Here are 10 Telltale Signs That Your Partner Wants to Divorce. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic!

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