12 Common Reasons Why People Get a Divorce

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You don’t feel emotionally supported

According to Levine, not feeling emotionally supported might make you feel desperate, angry all the time, and very critic towards others. That’s the type of energy that no one would like to be around.

Cohen added that she speaks with a lot of female clients that are not loved, appreciated, and respected in their marriage, adding that the lack of empathy and compassion for each other will eventually lead to a divorce, and it’s almost impossible for the marriage to work under these circumstances.

You’re having relationship/marriage problems? Check out this article: 15 Signs You Should Go to Couples Therapy.


You lost your sense of self

The worst thing that could happen in a marriage, is losing your sense of self. According to Cohen, it happens very often in relationships and marriages that people sacrifice what they want and need for the sake of their partner. Whether it’s giving up your dream job just because your husband wants you to be a housewife or simply letting go of the activities you once loved because your wife doesn’t agree with them anymore, these things can make you forget who you are as a person.

While marriage implies compromise in order to work, losing your sense of self is totally different, and you might end up resenting your partner for not letting you be who you were meant to be.


You’re just done

You know it’s over for good when you’re just done with everything. You’re tired of fights, money problems, abuse, infidelity, and all the other factors mentioned above. According to Levine, when people eventually decide to get a divorce, is because they did everything in their power to make things right for years, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

No matter how much work and effort you put into your marriage, if your partner doesn’t do the same, it not going to work. No one leaves a long-term marriage after a single fight, people leave when it becomes clear that things will never change for the better.

If you liked this topic, you can also read: 5 Divorcées Share What Made Them Realize That Their Marriage Was Over.

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