11 Relationship “Rules” You Can Safely Break

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7.Rule: The guy should always foot the bill

I think we could all agree that this is an old-fashioned rule which just went out the window. “Guys don’t like having to pay all the time, so women can offer to pay for certain aspects of their shared life rather than always expecting her partner to pay,” says Dr. Greer. “Make him feel cared about too.” Offer to pay for a nice dinner out, or start covering the cost of a class you take together, she suggests.


8.Rule: Big gestures are the best way to show you care

Romantic gestures like giving a dozen roses or planning a surprise trip aren’t even the best ways to show how much you care. Instead, how you treat your partner on a daily basis means much more to the strength of your relationship, says Feldhahn.

“Those big ones are nice, but those are the big moments. Those do not make a marriage,” she says. “It’s the little day-to-day acts of generosity and kindness that have the big impact.” Make sure to always let your partner know how much you appreciate him/her and thank your partner for doing the little things that mean so much.


9.Rule: One partner is in charge of initiating sex

If your significant other almost always initiates sex, don’t assume it shouldn’t happen if he or she doesn’t make a move. As long as you’re both satisfied, it doesn’t matter who acts first, says Dr. Greer. “What matters is that both people initiate freely when they’re in the mood so there’s a constant give and take,” she says. Give your partner some signals instead of silently hoping that your significant other heats things up. But if your partner isn’t in the mood, don’t push it. Just discuss a time in the future when you both will be more receptive, says Dr. Greer.

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