11 Relationship “Rules” You Can Safely Break

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10.Rule: Random acts of kindness mean more than giving your partner special treatment

Being nice to strangers is always important. However, targeting your kind acts toward your significant other could actually bring you more happiness, says Feldhahn, who started the 30-Day Kindness Challenge to encourage people to spend a month strengthening one relationship. “

It’s not the random acts of kindness—it’s the targeted acts of kindness, targeted to one person,” she says. “When you’re really intentional and specific, like with the 30-Day Kindness Challenge, it impacts the other person, and it really changes you.”

This way you’ll make your partner feel more appreciated, and you’ll train yourself to see the best parts of your relationship.


11.Rule: Never keep score

Keeping scores shouldn’t be off-limits in a relationship. “You should keep score—you just need to keep score of what the other person is doing in a positive way, the amazing things about them,” says Feldhahn. By noticing all the little things your partner does to see you happy, you’ll only show even more appreciation and be more inclined to reciprocate with more acts of kindness.

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