11 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You As Much As You Love Them


9. Your partner doesn’t care about the things that are important to you.

You never get to know someone entirely, that’s why you keep learning new things about them, even when you’ve been together for more than a decade. However, it’s essential that you know your partner’s core values, and they know yours.

According to Bennett, someone who loves you will be interested in finding everything bout you, especially the things that are important to you and the things you believe in. They’ll know everything from what pizza you like to your core values.

Additionally, if you’re in a relationship for a long time and your partner still doesn’t know the things that are important to you, it might be a sign that they’re not invested in the relationship.

However, Bennett recommends not jumping to conclusions in this situation, because they could be the type of person that simply does not remember stuff. But even so, it’s important to talk to them about it, and make sure you let them know how you feel about this situation.

Read also: 5 Main Stages of a Relationship Every Couple Goes Through.

Next, let’s agree to disagree?…..

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