11 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You As Much As You Love Them


10. Your partner gets angry when you don’t agree with them.

As previously mentioned, you can’t be on the same age all the time, and that’s ok. However, someone who loves you unconditionally will be interested to listen to you and hear your opinion even when they don’t agree with you.

Also, they’ll continue to love you even when you’re not on the same page. But if your significant other only loves you when you agree with them, they’re actually manipulating you.

According to Joshua Klapow, PhD, clinical psychologist, and host of Kurre and Klapow Radio, if your partner loves you based on certain conditions, that love is not honest nor pure. Besides being a sign of manipulation, it’s also a good indication that your partner is not mature enough for a serious relationship.

How An Equal Relationship Should Look Like, According to Experts. Read more HERE!

Finally, sometimes we can look past things…..

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