11 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You As Much As You Love Them

© Envato

1.Your partner keeps you hidden.

According to Derichs, if “your partner keeps you in a ‘box’ and doesn’t integrate you in their life and sees no need to be part of yours, aside from the time you spend alone together,” it might be a red flag that they’re not invested in the relationship.

But that doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed, because that’s something you can work on with your partner. Therefore, if it’s bothering you that your significant other is keeping you hidden, you should be more vocal about it. Otherwise, nothing will change.

However, if you talk to them about it and they still don’t change their behavior towards you, it’s definitely a sign that they don’t love you enough, and probably they never will, or at least not the way you want them to.

Next, the blame game isn’t a game after all…..

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