11 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You As Much As You Love Them


7. Your partner bails every time you’re sick.

While being there for someone in good times is very easy, nothing tests a relationship more than illness. Therefore, if your partner is not there with you when you’re not feeling well, it’s a red flag that they only want you when it’s convenient for them.

As therapist Kimberly Hershenson, LMSW has explained, “if your partner doesn’t take care of you when you aren’t feeling well or is even grossed out by you being sick,” it could be because they don’t love and care for you.

When someone loves you, they’ll be there for you in both the good and the bad times. Even though moments like this can be hard to handle, you just need to be there for your partner and let them know that, even though there’s nothing else you can do.

But when your partner can’t even do that, then do yourself a favor and end things. You deserve more than someone who bails when you’re not feeling well.

Next, first things first…..

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