Can Jealousy Be Healthy In A Relationship?

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According to Bialik, the most important thing you can do if your partner is jealous is take their feelings seriously. Work together to understand why the other person is feeling this way, maybe it’s something you’ve done, or it has nothing to do with you, either way, you need to be supportive.

Read also: 9 Little Ways to Show Affection to Your Significant Other.

Try to find ways to solve this problem together. However, if communicating about the issue doesn’t help, or the other person gets defensive every time you try to bring up this topic, it might be a good idea to seek professional help, Bialik added.

Show them how much you care by trying to understand their love language. Additionally, don’t be afraid to use extra words of affirmation to tell your partner how much they mean to you, or small acts of service to make them understand that you’re devoted to the relationship.

Make sure to also check: 14 Signs of a Strong and Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists.


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