Can Jealousy Be Healthy In A Relationship?

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4.You talk openly about it.

As Dr. Magavi has explained, another sign of healthy jealousy is when you’re not afraid to talk about your feelings in an honest manner. For instance, healthy jealousy is when you can admit to your partner that you felt jealous when they spoke to a certain person or felt uncomfortable when they did something.

Keeping things to yourself is not a good idea when it comes to a healthy relationship. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities and open up to your partner about how you’re feeling. If you don’t do it, things will always stay the same and you’ll continue to be unhappy.

It might not be the most pleasant conversation, but a relationship can’t be all sunshine and rainbows. Also, if you want your relationship to last, this conversation needs to be had.

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5.You understand why you’re feeling this way.

Understanding the reasons behind your jealousy is not always easy, but trying to do so is a very important step to a healthy relationship. Maybe you’ve got trust issues from a previous relationship that has nothing to do with your current partner, you have low self-esteem or you’ve caught them with a lie and now you fear they will lie again, either way, if you can’t manage these strong feelings, it would be recommended to seek professional help.

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