8 Common Behaviors That Are Sabotaging Your Relationship

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3.Nagging and complaining

A nagging partner can often create tension that will lead to separation very quickly. “I suggest practicing the art of holding your tongue, prioritizing, and considering your approach,” says Melanie Ross Mills, PhD., a relationship expert in Dallas. She advises everyone who finds in this situation to wait until a good time to discuss with your partner what is bothering you, instead of always nagging and complaining. “Be patient if he or she is not ready when you are to discuss the matter. Ask them to let you know when a good time might be. You can circle back then, instead of nagging and complaining,” Dr. Mills says.


4.Acting ungrateful

Sometimes It can be challenging to value the small things in your partner. “But, it’s a life discipline to cultivate,” says Dr. Mills. “Seeing the good he or she does will help. I suggest making a conscious effort to thank your partner for the small things: from putting the cap back on to earning an honest living with hard work, from taking out the trash to helping prepare dinner for the family,” she adds.

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