8 Common Behaviors That Are Sabotaging Your Relationship

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5.Lacking communication

The lack of communication or not having an open dialogue when it is needed can cause feelings of resentment, misunderstanding, hurt, and feeling unappreciated. “Instead of letting the small offenses fester, talk about them when the timing is right,” says Dr. Mills. “Don’t let too much time pass which can cause you to internalize your true feelings. Share with your partner about what is going on with you daily.”


6.Losing yourself in the relationship

It’s very common for people to lose their own sense of self if they don’t make an effort to continue to grow, learn, and evolve, says Dr. Mills. “Don’t forget to have your own life. Make time to do things that fulfill you instead of waiting for your partner to get interested in your same interests,” she advises. “Believe it or not, this actually makes you more attractive. You contribute to the relationship dynamic because you have interests, you’re interesting and you’re confident.”

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