Life After Divorce – Pros And Cons

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Let’s start with the PROS!


– you get to do whatever you want when you feel like it. You won’t have to think about preparing food for anyone rather than yourself. You can invite people over for drinks and hang out, and you can make time for all your little habits.


– when people are married, they tend to take care of their partners before taking care of themselves. You have all the right to be happy and to live your life the way you want! You don’t have anyone you need to give explanations to, so you can finally explore and do all the things you want! You go out and drink an extra glass of wine, you can come home late… the world is yours!


– there is a possibility that your dreams about the future or maybe about a different career are different than your partner’s. When people are involved in a serious relationship, they usually make compromises for each other, in order to keep a balanced life. When things are too much and the couple decides to separate, everyone has the chance to get back to their hopes and dreams, and actually work towards reaching them.

The focus is on you

– now is the time you get to put your priorities in the first place. You will remember what it was like living alone, you will get your independence again, you will relearn how to love yourself! In the end, this represents a time of growth.

Out and about

– who says that after filing for divorce you have to stay single? Nobody! Life goes on, you tried and it didn’t work, and now it’s time for a fresh and new experience! You have the time to meet new people, to go out, have fun, and you might surprise yourself by falling in love again!

Friendships never end

– there is the possibility that during your marriage you neglected your friends. Not anymore! You will need their support and their company anyway because let’s face it, divorce is not that pleasant, and it is a rollercoaster of emotions! You can make up for all the time that you have spent apart, and have all the fun in the world!

Good parent

– according to experts, when parents divorce, children might feel like they are in the middle of the issues. It doesn’t matter if they are little, teenagers, or adults, they most likely know about your problems. Even if they don’t realize it, they can feel overwhelmed by all the problems. After the divorce, you might find yourself being happier, which will make you more aware of the time you spend with your kids. If you think about it, when parents are happy, their children are happy as well!

Being friends with your ex

– there are many people who want to keep in touch with their ex’s from time to time. This can happen a few months after the breakup. You can be surprised to find that your former partner is better off as your friend, rather than your spouse. As Carmel Jones, a relationship writer for The Big Fling, says, having the strong desire to see your ex-partner happy means that your friendship is stronger than your romantic relationship was.

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