16 Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Really Move On

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1.Consider therapy.

If you find yourself depressed or sad even though the relationship ended months ago, it’s probably a good idea to consider therapy in order to understand and make peace with the fact that the relationship ended and it’s time to move on. Therapy is very helpful when you’re finding it hard to accept the fact that you’ve been cheated on, betrayed, emotionally abused, or dumped.

In your healing process, a therapist will help you work on the things that hold you down. You start by analyzing the relationships in your life, either romantic, professional, or between family and friends. It’s important to take a look at how the relationship you had with your partner is mirrored in your other relationships, explains Reardon.

After analyzing those patterns, you might find it easier to move on and not repeat the same mistakes in your future relationships. Also, make sure you stay optimistic and look at the bright side. Only traumatic events and great pain can contribute to change, so you might find yourself disrupting old patterns and healing old traumas thanks to the breakup.

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