6 Signs Your Partner Manipulates You

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It’s not easy to admit the fact that your partner manipulates you. It’s almost effortless to notice a couple who doesn’t have a stable relationship when you’re an outsider, but everything changes when you’re the actual victim.

Manipulation can take different forms, such as emotional exhaustion, crossing boundaries, excessive crying in order to obtain something, playing the victim, and gaslighting.

These are just a few ways of displaying how manipulation actually happens. In today’s article, we will talk more about these signs that might indicate you are not in a very healthy relationship.

If you believe that your partner does such things, it might be time to have a serious discussion with them, or even ask for a professional’s help. Here are 6 signs that your partner manipulates you.

Photo by Makistock from shutterstock.com

1. Emotional blackmail 

Emotional blackmail is never easy. According to several dating and relationship experts, this type of manipulation happens when your partner tries to make you feel scared, obligated, or even guilty for your decisions or actions.

Another thing they might do is hang something over you, such as a certain discussion or a piece of information you’ve shared with them in the past. The reason they do that is to make you do something they want. Unfortunately, that’s a huge red flag.

2. They always play the victim

This usually happens during an argument and your partner feels like they’re persecuted whether the guilty one is them or you. They might behave like they don’t understand why you would do something to hurt them that much.

This behavior is a way to make you feel like you’re actually a bad partner, but in reality, they only show you the fact that they are not responsible for their own actions.

3. Gaslighting

In conformity with Rachel DeAlto, the chief dating expert at Match, gaslighting is a form of manipulation in which a person tries to twist the reality, making you question yourself and your actions.

The end goal of this is to make you insecure and get you to stay in the relationship, thinking that they are the only ones who can understand you. If you want to find out more about gaslighting, make sure to check this article: 6 Signs You’ve Been A Victim Of Gaslighting!

Photo by Olena Yakobchuk from shutterstock.com

4. They cross the boundaries 

It is absolutely normal for people who are in a relationship to have boundaries as well, even though they are very close to each other. However, if you notice that your partner doesn’t respect your boundaries, it might be a red flag.

In conformity with our experts, the best thing to do in cases like this is to talk to your partner about everything that has been bothering you. If they agree with you and try to review their behavior, this is good. If they keep doing the same things over and over again, you might be part of a toxic relationship.

5. Excessive crying 

There are quite a few people who make themselves look like they are always the victim and they start crying in order to emotionally manipulate you.

This usually happens when there’s an argument or a tough conversation involved. If you pay enough attention to them, you might be able to understand if their tears are real or fake.

6. They make melodramatic statements

Another warning sign that might indicate your partner is guilty of manipulating you is using melodramatic statements such as “You’re the only one that I love” or “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me”.

The reason they say those things is to make you feel sorry for the way you respond to them. Besides that, if they start crying, or wheedling, it’s a sure thing that they are only trying to emotionally manipulate you.

…If you want to read something else before you head out, here is a great article for you: You Won’t Believe These 7 Things Men Do Behind Closed Doors!

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