We all know that we can’t stay the same forever. Every stage in our lives has something specific, something that is going to change. Think about the way you were acting around someone you liked when you were young vs how you behave now around someone you have a crush on.
We can say that we all have distinct turn-ons and turn-offs and we have to be aware of the fact that these can change over time. With that being said, ladies, hear me out: even though we all know that being older is usually associated with being more mature and wiser, the same thing goes for possible future partners.
…You are going to find out more about this by clicking on the next page!
This means that what was interesting for you when you were 30 might not be the same at 50 years old. Because we don’t want to neglect anyone, I have to address something to our masculine audience: if you are curious to see what the biggest turn-offs for women over 50s are, keep reading!

1. Lack of Ambition
If we are being honest, we have to say that ambition is an important aspect for anyone who is interested in getting into a new relationship! It’s a common thing that both men and women are attracted to people who are confident, hard-working, and willing to push their limits to reach their goals.
That might be because when women have ambitious partners, even though they sometimes might feel that they want to give up, they will be motivated by their companions!
…At the end of the day, everyone wants to have a special someone to cheer them up when they’re down, am I right?

2. No Altruism
Even though women don’t want to be told what to do or don’t like to depend on someone, one thing is for sure: they want to know their partners are willing to help them when they need it.
This doesn’t mean that their partners should get out of their ways to assist them. It means that women need to know that they can count on the people they are willing to spend the rest of their lives with.
When men show women that they are okay and available to help them when they need it, they feel loved, protected, and respected.
…Do you agree with the next one?

3. Intelligence
I think all of us have heard this popular quote at least once in our lives: “Smart is the new se*y!”. Women want to know that they can talk to someone and that they can tell them what goals they have and how they are willing to accomplish them.
If the people they like are not able to support these conversations, they will more likely lose all their interest. When they are over their 50s, they don’t have as much patience as they used to, so no wonder why they are looking for someone who is at least as smart as them.

4. Different life phases
As women get older, they become more independent, wiser, and more calculated. They are looking for someone to share their life, experience, hobbies, and achievements with. If they find someone who has a totally different mindset from their own or if the person they like doesn’t share the same values as them, it will be clear that it won’t work out.
For instance, if a woman wants to move to a different state due to several reasons, such as being close to her children, taking a different career path, or craving a different lifestyle, she would love her partner to do it with her.
If her significant other is not convinced that he wants to take this big step along with her, she might realize that she has no time to spare, so the relationship might not work out.

5. No Affection and kindness
Even though sometimes they want to keep this a secret, in reality, women are like cats. They crave attention, affection, and kindness, and they also like to be spoiled. This doesn’t mean that men should spend all of their time cuddling their partners, but they should know when their significant other needs a bit more attention and love than usual.
For women, being in their 50s means that they don’t have the time and the patience to teach someone how they want to be loved. They couldn’t care less about fighting or feeling like they are not loved.

6. Zero communication skills
There is no woman on this planet who doesn’t like to talk. They are very passionate about their interests and they are excited to share all these things with their partners.
They are also curious about their companions’ likes and dislikes and they want to know that they can solve any issues that might come up along the way. If they don’t have someone who is capable of having a real conversation with them, they will more than likely say “thank you, next!”.
…Do you agree with this one? Tell us in the comments down below, because we are very curious to find out more!

7. No listening skills
This one goes hand in hand with the previous thing we classified as being a big turn-off for women over 50. As we previously said, women like to know that they can have a deep conversation with their partners.
In addition to that, they also want to know that their partners are going to give them their attention when they want to talk about something. Besides that, the majority of the time, women are not looking for advice, but they just want to know that someone listens to them when they need them to.
…What do you think about this one?

8. Zero sense of humor
This one is very obvious, because who doesn’t want to have someone to crack a joke with, someone to make them laugh, and to make them get over a bad day more easily?
If we are being honest, having a good sense of humor can make you get over problems more quickly and effectively. When you are in a relationship with someone who constantly makes you laugh, you will notice that you are happier and your connection is strong and healthier.
Women who are over their 50s want to have time with their partners and they want to enjoy the time they spend together. They don’t want to be upset and serious all day long.

What do you think about all these things that women over 50 consider to be their biggest turn-offs? Have you ever experienced any of these issues? If yes, what did you do?
We are curious to know what your thoughts are, so make sure to let us know about them by leaving them in the comments section down below!
If you have any tips that you believe might help other people out there, feel free to share them with us!
If you liked reading this article, we have plenty more just like it!
…Make sure to check out this one as well: Shocking Tinder Scams You’ll Have to See to Believe! We are sure you are going to love it!
11 thoughts on “8 Biggest Turn-Offs for Women Over 50s”
Yes, I agree with this, even in my 70’s, I find this to be true.
Let’s have a list of 8 turn off for men, most likely the list would be the same
I like to feel my opinion is important and I enjoy a good debate. Not an argument or being told to be reasonable. Nothing is more infuriating than to be told to listen to my logic that my opinion doesn’t have validity. It my opinion for goodness sakes
I think women over 50 definitely do not want to play games and do not have time for BS. We do not want to fix someone. At this age we don’t like to go out as much as we used to so relaxing at home should be comfortable with our partner. But not opposed to trying things the other one likes.By all means don’t fall into the friend zone, we should make each other feel desired a lot.
women over 50 should read this !! why are they trying to be millennials ???
Listen and respond.
If you want to stay with anyone in any relationship . Listen and respond .
If you have zero interest. Listen and respond . It is easy and so benificial.
I agree with the 8 biggest turn offs of women over age 50. All being said, men and women no matter what age need to have common interest and they need to be honest with themselves (meaning don not change yourself for someone else to like you). Accept people as they are, do not try to change people or even try to change yourself. Relationships need work there few perfect things in life.
One of the most important aspects of a good relationship later in life is what my late wife told me: “One reason I love being with you is that you’ve always let me be myself.”
thank you for this…would like some thoughts about the women who are emotionally unavailable who cannot love, forgive or trust… frosty
Good information to check out!
Sound like serious high maintenance and a lot of ME ME ME ME