8 Biggest Turn-Offs for Women Over 50s

Photo by Ruslan Huzau from shutterstock.com

6. Zero communication skills

There is no woman on this planet who doesn’t like to talk. They are very passionate about their interests and they are excited to share all these things with their partners.

They are also curious about their companions’ likes and dislikes and they want to know that they can solve any issues that might come up along the way. If they don’t have someone who is capable of having a real conversation with them, they will more than likely say “thank you, next!”.

…Do you agree with this one? Tell us in the comments down below, because we are very curious to find out more!

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11 thoughts on “8 Biggest Turn-Offs for Women Over 50s”

  1. I like to feel my opinion is important and I enjoy a good debate. Not an argument or being told to be reasonable. Nothing is more infuriating than to be told to listen to my logic that my opinion doesn’t have validity. It my opinion for goodness sakes

  2. I think women over 50 definitely do not want to play games and do not have time for BS. We do not want to fix someone. At this age we don’t like to go out as much as we used to so relaxing at home should be comfortable with our partner. But not opposed to trying things the other one likes.By all means don’t fall into the friend zone, we should make each other feel desired a lot.

  3. Listen and respond.
    If you want to stay with anyone in any relationship . Listen and respond .
    If you have zero interest. Listen and respond . It is easy and so benificial.

  4. I agree with the 8 biggest turn offs of women over age 50. All being said, men and women no matter what age need to have common interest and they need to be honest with themselves (meaning don not change yourself for someone else to like you). Accept people as they are, do not try to change people or even try to change yourself. Relationships need work there few perfect things in life.

  5. One of the most important aspects of a good relationship later in life is what my late wife told me: “One reason I love being with you is that you’ve always let me be myself.”

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