Shhh… 10 Secrets Women Wish You Knew

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4. Don’t Hide Your Flaws

We’re used to hiding our flaws. However, nothing wins a woman’s heart like a good man who wants to be a greater man, according to Kirschner. “Women value personal growth, they love a man who’s sensitive and thoughtful”.

They like it when their partners recognize a flaw — poor listening skills, for instance, or a short temper — and love it when they try to address it.

5. Date No. 3 Isn’t a Bedroom Key

You’ve probably heard about the three-date rule, which basically says that you should wait until the third date to get intimate. In fact, this rule is more like an urban legend, and you shouldn’t take it for granted.

Women don’t have a set formula that they use in progressing a relationship, so they don’t set a timeline on when a potential partner should enter the bedroom. Some women will want to go on more than a few dates before getting intimate.

While there isn’t a rule of thumb, some experts may recommend you give the relationship enough time to grow before moving on to the next step.

6. Learn What They Want in Bed

Women definitely like to talk about what’s going on in bed, and they want to please their partners — and a tactful, delicate approach is often best.

Ask them about their preferences to know what they like. Make sure to ask for what you want in a validating and positive way. Kirschner suggests starting with something like “I’d really love if you [fill in the blank].”

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