10 Things Most Men Would Never Confess to a Woman

Photo by Switlana Sonyashna from shutterstock.com

2. “I don’t know what to say when you ask me tricky questions”

Sometimes women have a weird desire to ask their partners things like “Am I ugly?”, “Am I fat?”, “Is she prettier than me?”. They say all these things with a sad face while maintaining a fiery look.

If their partners say something like “No, of course. You are not ugly/fat”, they will think that they are being lied to. If men answer by saying “Yes, you did gain a little bit of weight recently”, women are most likely going to cry and be upset.

What can men do? All of them HATE being asked questions like this. Of course, they will tell you nice things, even if a dress makes you appear three sizes too big. They will find a nice way to tell you if something is not right, but not all of them are willing to women directly that questions like this should be absolutely forbidden.

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